The Red-Tailed Shark that never ate?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
hey guys, i have some more questions about my fickle red-tailed shark.
i don't know if he's been getting anything to eat at all - i drop two sinking wafers into the tank everynight, 30 minutes before i turn out my room lights and go to bed (the room lights are still bright enough to light the tank). I see him go out then, but i never see him eat. The wafers are gone by morning, but perhaps they are dissolving. Early in the mornings i see him scouring the glass and the tree root thing, and sometimes the rock for algae pieces and brown stuff. he hasn't gotten any thinner, but his colors are still not what they should be. During the day, he usually just hides in his house or he floats around the bottom of the root thing, and when i come near he darts away (even if i move slowly and don't make any noise). so, i was wondering... could i move him into my 10 gallon (as i am moving some other residents out for other reasons) and see what happens? he's only about 3 1/2" and i'm really worried about him. i don't want to return him to the store, as i will lose my investment, and one of my favorite fish. The 10 gallon has more privacy - a thick coat of algae on the glass and everything - and there won't be but like 2 other fish in there (my gouramis). Just for a while... I'm really worried. Should I try putting zuchinni in the 25 (that's where the shark lives)? I did once before, but it was never really eaten. What should I do? (oh, btw - i've had my rtshark for about 3 weeks now, i think). Thanks a lot  ??? ???

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
the few I had were very picky eaters. I had success mostly with wardley's sinking wafers. Mine used to spend 1/2 his time going over my live plants picking the algae off. Try a little piece of Zucchini again. Leave in for an extra day. Mine would nibble at that two. Maybe romaine or leaf lettuce on a clip.

Mine wouldn't eat as well but He lived for a few years....getting his color when He got a little older.

Maybe try adding some anacharis or hornwort to have him pick off of.