The Scare

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Well about two Saturdays ago Pinky was his usual perky self, then that same day around 7 pm I found him on the bottom of the tank. He was very tired breathing very heavy. (Pinky always breathed more since I got him but this was completely new) He still ate but it took alot for him to swim. One time after he ate he slowly sanked on his side and laid on the plant. I was actually crying that day. He was liked that for about a week! Tested his water no Ammonia or PH change. Under his head or around his chin (if fish have a chin) looked a little swollen or discolored. I gave him Marycine 2 he perked up a little for a day then just sunk down again and was breathing open mouth heavily.
Also gave him Copper Safe no luck. Did a 40% water change no luck then tried Maroxy (sorry for the spelling) no change so I just figured it was his time, gave him so Bettafix and food then around Sunday he was fine:D His jaw area was normal, he was swimming happily.
I would say he is 95% his old self now. Anyone have any idea what the heck happend. Myabe he carried a dieases he had gotten in the pet store and it affected him now? He is the only fish in the tank and I keep close tabs on his water and filter. I am just gald he is OK! Every day I have him seems like a blessing after that roller coaster!