The start to my new future-planted aquarium!

Dec 1, 2008
Hello everybody!

I started this aquarium on october 11th, so it's been running just shy of two months now!

Currently there are 3 Zebra Danios, 3 Blue Danios, 4 Tiger Barbs, a Bolivian Ram (thinking of finding him a mate), 1 Julli Cory (soon to be 4), a bristlenose plecostmous, and a bamboo shrimp!

Currently PH is about 7.7-7.8, and is being conditioned with R/O water to lower to 7.5, wich will then be sustained by 50/50 r/o tap water mixture (wich is a ph of 7.5, my tap water is around 8).

As far as the tank setup it self is concerned here are some details:

Aquarium: Hagen 35gal with black silicone edges
Filtration: Marineland Penguin 330 Bio-Wheel Filter
Heating: Jager 155w Aquarium Heater
Lighting: Marina 30" Flourecent

I hope to start planting the aquarium after upgrading my lighting and updating my substrate a little more (just recently converted from gravel to sand).

So here it is! Please let me know what you think! Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated!


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