The Survivor

Strange this should happen today.
I decided to empty out one of my holding tanks in the shed that was home to a batch of juvenile Victoria Cichlids, there hiding behind the home made filter was a fish, very thin, frightened and cold.
I had not been near the tank for about 8-9 weeks, no heating with temp drops in the shed to 45f at night, no filtration to the extent that a fungus/mould was starting to form on the surface of the water, and nothing for it to eat.
How it survived I do not know. ??? ???



That is truly amazing! I have read other stories too about fish surviving incredible feats. Unbelievable but true, fish will survive extreme conditions (and here all you think about is poor little fishies in en enclosed environment, getting fed everyday, constant temperature, no predetors).  *twirlysmiley*

Oct 22, 2002
Dude, when I was new to the hobby ... or should I say before I made the jump from half - hearted effort to enthusiast ... I had a 55 gallon aquarium that my friends nicknamed "Hell's Bucket" ...

Somehow, two yoyo loaches not only survived, but thrived in there.

Fish are weird. Sometimes they're not delicate.