There is water inside my heater

I received the 2 Ebo heaters I ordered from eBay. I tried them out, and one works fine, and the other one seems to work fine also, but there is water that got inside the glass tube. I tought it might be some condensation or something, but it doesn't seem to go away. It looks like it works anyway... but I don't want tu use it with water inside it. Anybody ever saw something like that? I unpluged it and I'll see if the water is still there tomorrow...

I tried to find something about a similar problem on the web and google... nothing. Maybe I should try to contact Ebo directly.

Any help will be appreciated




Large Fish
Aug 5, 2004
My House
There is a hole in the heater somewhere that is allowing water to get in. The same thing happens sometimes with the tube type thermometer. I wouldn't use it, cause you might end up electricuting yourself or the fish.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
The moment you see any water in a heater - even if it's only condensation - throw the heater away.

You run the risk of the heater sticking either on or off - and in extreme cases they can explode on you as the water heats and expands, blowing the glass apart.

They cannot be re-sealed or repaired.