Thin Finger Leather Coral Help


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
last week I had purchased a finger leather coral acclimated it for about an hour. It has been in the tank for more then a week and it has not opened up at all. It shed a thin layer the very next day. What could be the reason for not opening up. when I switch on the lights few of the polyps come out less then half way but do not open at all. At the LFS they were opened but they don't open up in my tank. The coral was under PC lighting at the LFS and I also have 2 x 65 Pc lighting. Help Please.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
BONGRIPPER0420 said:
is this your first piece of coral? how are your levels in your tank? can i see a picture of the coral.

No. I have about 11 other corals in the tank(zoo's, mushrooms, candy cane, green brain coral, frog spawn etc). All my levels are fine. I will post a pic later once I reach home. The coral expand when the light is on, only the polyps don't come out. I have a thread with all the info on my tank. --->

Jan 1, 2007
cville, il
the leather coral i have in my tank seem to do alot better in the high flow areas of the tank. mine wasent really opening to much right when i got it but i moved it right in front of the power head and it opens fully all the time!

heres a pic see the powerhead in the corner

oppisite view


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS

to the very very left at the bottom...i know its not a very good pic...but my finger leather opened up immediatly after being put in the tank...perhaps its something in the tank bothering him?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yea they usualy close up for a day or 2 when they shed but he said it already shed.... when i got my first leather it didnt open for like a week then i did a 20g water change in my 55 and that same day it opened theory was my water wasnt good enough but after the major wc it was fine...i think i got a before and after pic just let look for it ;)