Things to do with your Fluval Edge


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I would like this to be a fun thread of discussion about what you would have in your Fluval Edge, if you hypothetically had this tank :)

I would have two of them, one with FW one with SW.

FW Edge

Play sand substrate
Java Moss
Rotala sp.
5x Crystal Red Shrimp
5x Dario dario
Custom LED/PC lighting mod
Carbon or Chemi pure Elite in HOB

SW Edge
Aragonite sand substrate
8 lbs Live Rock
Carbon or Chemi pure Elite in HOB
Custom LED/PC lighting mod
Koralia Nano Powerhead
Green Maxi Mini Anemone
Red Maxi Mini Anemone
Pom Pom Xenia
3x Sexy Anemone Shrimp
1x Emerald Mythrax Crab
1x Electric Blue Hermit Crab

Those would be my two setups if I ever had to move into an apartment, which doesn't allow my larger tanks. I'd still keep my 3 gal reef regardless though lol.

So what would you guys do with your Edge? This could be a good thread for Edge owners to brainstorm idea for their tank too :) Have fun critiquing and making suggestions about the Fluval edge tanks mentioned in this thread!


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I'd sell it and get something at least twice the size for half the price, lol.

Okay, more seriously.

Standard, unmodded fluval
1 Male Shell Dweller
1 Small harem
White sand
Maybe a couple small black rocks

Going for that whole "empty desert" look.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
the fluval edge is only 6.6 gallons, but you can still have a very nice selection of livestock for it. part of its appeal IMO is how sleek and simple it looks in a clean apartment lol. this tank IMO was made for apartment situations where you cannot keep a large tank. plus its design hides its equipment well. the only thing you see is the display. you can achieve the same clean look with a large tank I suppose if you put the large tank into a wall :p

@ aak: Thats a very nice idea! normally i think those cichlids would need a bigger tank, but maybe with good water changes, you can keep two of them in the fluval for many years.
Btw, what is harem? do you mean a female cichlid? lol

@jamie: if you thought about approaching the edge, you are free to discuss and brainstorm what you want in it on this thread :)

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Large Fish
Oct 20, 2010
Jacksonville, FL
Tbh if I could redo my purchase I'd go with a 10 - 20 gallon, open top. It'd just be easier. The bubbles at the top are impossible to keep out.

But, thanks for all of the ideas guys. Right now I have black gravel and driftwood w/ plant. I want to put some java moss in it or something to try to cover some of the gravel, but I'm no expert at this! Would there be any special care if I were to get a plant like that? How would I clean the gravel with it there...?

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I would get another piece of DW in there and tie some java moss to it with un-dyed string. make sure moss gets light.

bubbles: raise the water level more so that the filter isn't making so much of a water fall. raise it so much that it doesn't overflow, but also that you can no longer put your hand in without it overflowing. this should prevent the building of bubbles. now if you want to move something around, you should get a turkey baster and take some water out into a cup or something, do the rearranging, and the fill the tank back up to the point. a little tedious but not really if you want to keep it bubble free. I realize i do not own the tank and I'm just saying this because I've read about it, but tell us if this approach should work :) Also to get the bubbles out that are already in there try to get a magnet cleaner (nano mag works best here) and drive the bubbles out with it.

Easier maybe but you'd sacrifice such an awesome and pleasing looking tank for a bulky and not so harmonious 10 or 20 AGA :p


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Hmmmmmm...I've tossed around the saltwater Fluval Edge idea before, but I can't remember what we talked about. lol

For a freshwater Edge, I think a school of either CPDs or microrasbora would be cool with a whole bunch of plants and pool filter sand substrate. Or do a shrimp tank with a nice "exotic" shrimp like the Black Forest shrimp...make it a little "tank in miniature" type thing with smaller plants and maybe do "pathways" and such. Do just a natural gravel substrate.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
@ryanoh: tanks, I wasa little unsure. i had the idea that it measn multiple females, but in a 6.6 gallon idk how many extra fish we could fit in terms of shell dwellers. plus he said "1 harem" lol I didnt expect that to have a number on it, so i just assumed 1 fish.

@ bass: that sounds very cool! I really love the black forest shrimp! they would look nice on brighter sand! I just really like crystal red shrimp and how those look on darker colored substrate, so I would do those in my tank :)

BTW upon further though, I would scratch my electric blue hermit for a smaller zebra hermit. no use having more bioload in such a small tank :p


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I think it's a pretty common thing to do with shellies, especially multies.
Check out this video. The one fish that runs around and grabs the shells full of females was absolutely hilarious to me. Even funnier than when the narrator says "transvestite midgets" in a completely deadpan voice.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
lol youre right he was humorous. narrator: "transvestite dwarfs" lmao

So it seems like one male and a few females will work in a fluval as long as the male is not of one of the large species depicted in this vid.