Think it is ICH not


Medium Fish
Feb 13, 2011
Okay so one of my rummy noses looks like it has some white stuff growing on its side - I said it is ick(ich) but the boyfriend says it is some kind of fungus thing and that we must remove the contaminated fish from the tank...any thots???

Also, I have ich treatment to put in the tank, but will it kill my freshwater shrimpies? Not sure what they are really called, but I know they are shrimp - clear whitish in color and very small.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2008
Well its really doesnt mean to much for us to guess here. Pictures would be great. Also the ich search it in google and see if you think its that or not. It should be some white spots on the fish and maybe some on the ground/decos. Usually they float off the fish to the ground and die. They need to stay on the fish to stay alive. If its just 1 area on the fish maybe its fungus but like I said its a guessing game.

Oct 29, 2010
Yeah, that looks like fungus.

I agree with Monoxide - googling fish fungus and ich will let you compare for yourself.

Best treatment is to place infected fish in a quarantine tank, and treat with an over-the-counter antifungal medication.

Mar 4, 2011
From what I gather....

Ich looks likes powder, salt or sand on the fish, not just 1 white nodule.

I have the same problem with one of my Danios. It has a small white dot on one of its gills. It has been driving me crazy thinking my tank has Ich. After alot of research I have diagnosed it as:

Lymphocystis: It's a virus, and being a virus, it affects the cells of the fish. It usually manifests itself as abnormally large white lumps (cauliflower) on the fins or other parts of the body. It can be infectious, but is usually not fatal. Unfortunately there is no cure, but fortunately this is a rare disease.

Or Glugea and Henneguya: Similar to Lymphocystis, the fish will have nodular white swellings on fins or body.

NOT Ich: Salt-like specks on the body/fins. Excessive slime. Problems breathing (ich invades the gills), clamped fins, loss of appetite.

I'm a believer in keeping things natural so I'm just going to let it run its course. No meds for me. Hopefully none of my other fishies get whatever this is.

Check this site out. I use it alot
Fish Disease and Treatment

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Dan Steveo

Large Fish
Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
It deffo looks like fungus, however could be a scale or a few scales hanging off, depends on size of scales etc, my betta has a scale hanging out that is now healing but it looked like fungus at first to me....

I'm sure you'll find a treatment for fungus, some will even be fine with all plants etc so you could just treat the main tank.. i think one i used a while ago was melafix.. smells great haha =]