Thinking about upgrading to a 55 gal.

Jan 3, 2009
I am debating weather to buy the kit (from walmart). Can anyone give me ideas of fish i could have? I want like 2 or 3 big fish and the rest to be small fish. And i dont want a big fish like an oscar or something. just about Gourami size.I want it to be a community.

Also to get along with my current fish : guppies, kuhli loaches, ghost shrimp and zebra danios.

Im not to comfortable with the walmart brand but its a good deal. I read some of the reviews and a lot of them say it leaked after a lil while. OR Should i go to pet smart? it is only 1hr away. maybe less. Is pet smart better quality? I mean i have only been there once but all the animals are in good condition, compared to walmart :mad:

last but not least i want to buy it during the winter time so it can cycle during the cold months. (fishless)

Jun 18, 2009
a tank is a tank IMO unless your going with starfire or something like that, the tank should be fine the filter should be too, If its the kit your talking about its the one that comes with the aquatech 50-60 and it should all work well


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Actually, IMHO I would begin collecting the components before buying a Walmart kit, for the reason that I'd like better filtration and better lights.

I run twice the filtration that comes with those kits. They are barely adequate.

You could take the same amount of money and watch Craigslist for a much nicer setup secondhand... maybe a thicker-walled tank, with better filtration, probably even a bunch of accessories with it. I once picked up a 55gallon setup complete with a nice stand, decent filtration, and a box of accessories and supplies for 50 dollars. Some 19yo guys had bought it and thrown in goldfish, neons, angels, loaches, and whatever else caught their eye and didn't know what to do when it went south on them. The best time to buy is about two months after Christmas, but you can find some good deals at summer's end when students are getting ready to have to turn their attention to their studies again and don't want to fool with the failed tank anymore.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
I got a tank from walmart for my birthday 4 years ago and it's never leaked and it's great, I still have it (my 10g) I don't know if the brands are the same for Canada and where you live, but mine is great!


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
The Walmart tank will be a Marineland tank which is a good quality tank. The filter is also a rebadged Marineland filter sans biowheel. I bought my first 10g that way.

Having just purchased and installed a cannister filter, I would never go back to a HOB filter. The background noise of the HOB is annoying and evaporations is excessive compared to the cannister.

The lights that coem with the kits is basically 2 - f18 flourescents which will make the fish look washed out.

Our Petsmart here does not sell just 55g tanks, only 50g and 60g's. The 55's are in a marineland kit.

A bare 55g will run about $100 - $120 new. A Fluval 305 cost $130 and a Coralife T5 lighting cost $60. So for about $100 more, you will get a much better and enjoyable setup. If you shop sales and use online coupons, you can probably save another $20 - 30.