Thinking of 29 gallon restock

May 4, 2011
I am thinking of combining my 29 and 40 together and stocking the 29 with something else. My wife wants a larger fish, like a cichlid. What kind of fish can I put into a 29 that are over 3"?

I was considering dwarf puffers but she doesn't seem too interested.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Dwarf Puffers don't get very big (about 1inch when full grown) and it would have to be a species only tank expect for some bottom feeders (otos, plecos, ect.)
Very rewarding fish (great personality) but they have some special requirements!

May 4, 2011
I'm looking at getting Melanochromis Cyaneorhadpos, a male and a few females for him. Does anyone have any experience or suggestions for these fish? My ph runs about 7.4-7.6, not sure of kh/gh etc. Hoping Petsmart carries them, I see one in their picture for "assorted african cichlids".


Superstar Fish
Kewl, Africans are awesome!!! These fish need many places to hide as well as breed if you are looking to do that. I have found that at least 2-4 hiding spots per fish is OK. These fish can be confused with M. Johanni which is mostly black rather then blue. You need to keep pristine water with good flow. Also be careful feeding them to much meat based foods as they need vegetable base foods as well to keep their digestive track moving well. They really like de-shelled peas and french cut green beans.