Thinking of doing something potentially stupid


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I'm contemplating putting a blue ram in my 29 gal.
Temp is 77-80
PH is around 7.4 now that the driftwood is in
You can already see the fish I have in there.

Can someone talk my out of it before I do something stupid please?


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
The only reason I was contemplating it was because the LFS has them in the exact same water I do. Same parameters, same temp. The ram might put my gourami in his place too. Would the PH difference be okay for long term living though? (everything I've read caps their PH between 6.5-7)

I've been watching the danio closely. He's taken to hanging out/pseudo-schooling with the nearly the same size molly juvies. He's been with those fry since they were born.

Where do you put an extra danio though? Should I give it back to the LFS that has more danios stuffed in their tank than should be humanly possible? He's doing okay on his own for now...Maybe move my glofish over?

Edit: Thanks Paige


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
My water is much harder than what the supposed pH range is for rams and my male in the 20gL is doing great. As we always say, a STABLE pH is more important than a "correct" pH. The fish will adjust to the pH you have as long as it is stable.

As far as the danio...why not just get more danios and leave the glofish where they are? You could try having the one danio for a while, but if the molly juvie outgrows him, what's he going to do then?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I think the similarly-shaped danios will school (one of the members here has a glowlight/zebra danio cross), but the CPDs probably won't school with the others because they're MUCH smaller. In general, similarly-shaped fish are the ones that will school (regular neon tetras with gold or black neon tetras, even though the black neons really aren't neons at all; or black skirt tetras with white skirt tetras, since they're both just color variants of the same species).


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
They're fairly responsible too. Most of their cichlid tanks (Oscars, pacu, JD, etc.) have a full sized example in the tank with all the smaller ones. Finding things can be a pain though. They don't stack their tanks. Everything is on ground level.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I only go there when I can't find what I'm looking for somewhere else. So far the only thing I've bought from them is the clown pleco....and If I'd have known that Petsmart was getting in bristlenose plecos the next day I'd have one of those for half the price instead. >.<


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
See, that's my problem. The one down the street will do the same thing. I just have no patience for waiting a couple weeks for something I can pick up today.

Now to contradict that. The LFS down the street is getting some blue rams in and will be ready by next Friday. I'll probably get one of those rams instead of one from the big store.
(They also are getting something they're calling a blue ram/angelfish cross. But I did my homework and it's just an inbred blue ram selected for shortness and long fins.)