Thinking of making the jump..

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
So I have been doing freshwater for about 8 years and have thought about making the jump to salt for some time. I would start FOWLR and if that goes well, start a reef tank in a year or two (in another tank). So I have an empty 37 and 56 and was thinking of using the 56. I would buy a few pieces of cured rock from my LFS, but some plain rock and go from there. I would use an Emperor 400 for mechanical filtration. Not sure about the fish yet, there are alot I like but that is really not an issue....yet! Does this sound like a viable plan?



Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I just watched this amazing video blog yesterday from a guy who was setting up his salt water tank.
YouTube - SW Rebuild - Part 1 - New Stand
That's part one of fifteen I think, so you may need to skip ahead a few parts.
I'm not sure if you want to get that complicated with the equipment, but he does a really good job of explaining the best way to set something and and why you need it.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I think that was before he did the video series on rebuilding because throughout he mentions how he's making stuff better this time... unless it happened to him twice, then that just sucks.