Thinking of replacing Black Neons...


Large Fish
Jan 2, 2008
I am considering giving all 5 of my Black Neons to a friend and getting something else. The issue with the neons is they gets scared of everything. Not tank mates but of outside things. If I lay a piece of paper near the tank, they get upset, huddle in a corner, and lose some of their color. The same thing happens if I accidently leave my magnetic algae removing thing on one of the walls. Or a cat jumps up next to the tank. The other fish don't seem to care one bit. The betta actually likes things happening in the tank. And the corys just go about snuffling around the gravel.

I guess the neons are just pathetic =) I need to find another fish that can handle such stress.=)

I think I am going to get some more bettas. My friend is starting a new tank (see other thread about this) and I told her about female bettas.

So I am considering getting rid of the neons, getting two more bettas, getting rid of the otto, and ? I am really good about water changes (actually my second favorite thing to do with my tank) so I can be slightly overstocked. If I get rid of the neons and the otto, could I put any other small fish in with bettas and the pygmy corys?

Kind of confusing, I know!




Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I would keep the Otto if I were you (unless your cories are particularly fastidious). I find my bettas to be messy eatters but by tetras snag everything they don't get so I'm okay. With out the tetras you'll probably want the extra clean up crew.


Large Fish
Jan 2, 2008
Good point about the otto. Except mine never does anything. Just sits behind a plant.

I see you have 2 bettas together. Any problems with just two?

Well lets see. I could theoretically get another betta, get rid of the tetras, keep the otto, the corys and the shrimp and get 3 more small fish.

Any suggestions on what the other 3 small fish should be?



Large Fish
Feb 14, 2007
Neons are schooling fish. They are probably stressed because there are so few of them. If you had a school of 10-13 they would probably be a lot happier but since you have a small tank I would get rid of them and get 2 or 3 glass cats


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
If you go with all female betta's I'm told it's best to go with 3. (I know my sig says other wise but apparently all my fish are rule defying freaks).


Large Fish
Jan 2, 2008
Sphed - How big to glass catfish get? I read somewhere it's like 4-6". Isn't that a bit big for a 10 gal with other fish? Or is there a smaller variety?

TabMorte - would it be better to just add two more at once or try one? They will all be pretty small, about an inch and half if that. Somehow I seem to end up with rule defying animals as well....

I may go to the lfs and take a look around at what they have available....

If anyone has any more ideas what I could add to this tank:
2-3 female bettas, 3 pygmy corys, 1 shrimp and 1 otto
I would appreciate it.

Again, I know I may end up being overstocked but I do lots of water changes and closely moniter water quality....




Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I would add 2 at once but keep a really close eye on them and have a betta bowl on hand in case they start fighting. (You can use it to quarintine the new ones too)

The females can be very territorial as well just like their male counterparts, but it's less common, particularly for females raised in a tank with other females (best to buy them this way rather then from a fish shop that keeps the females isolated in tiny cups too - they're healthier from being in a larger space too!) Infact my female is far more aggressive then my male betta and shoves the other fish out of the way to get food and steals from them while my male is totally all bark and no bite.

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Large Fish
Jan 2, 2008
How would Long Finned Blue Danios do in a group of three? My boyfriend really likes them and the girl the lfs store said they would do okay with female bettas.

Does anyone have experience with these fish? It's 3 of these or 3 male fancy guppies....



Large Fish
Jan 2, 2008
Perhaps it is not called that. I can't remember the name but the fish were blueish/silver with long fins with "Danio" in the name....

I'll have to look up and see how big male guppies get. Hopefully they stay 2" or less...
