thinking of upgrading...


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
so I'm thinking of upgrading my 29g gourami tank to a 55... petco has a $1/gallon sale, and I am taking advantage f it for some of my reptiles, thought I'd do the same for my gourami (sorry, my "o" key sticks). I want to do a heavily planted tank but still want to use my gravel & such for the cycling help. If I wanted t use the substrate that wrks well with plants (can't think of it atm), can I simply place the gravel on top and have it stay that way? or would it mess up the stuff? I don't have the space to have the 29 up and running while I cycle the 55. How "instant" is the instant cycle? I have the water test kit, so I would obviously be doing the tests before moving the fish, but I'm looking for a ball-park to know if I should even bother with it. They are relatively happy in the 29, so I don't have to upgrade, but I like the idea of a bigger tank (we'll see if the wife agrees). Just looking for thoughts. Thanks!!

Feb 27, 2009
If you are going to use the same filter on the new tank, and keep the filter media wet while you do the move, you shouldn't have too much of an issue with a mini-cycle. If you don't want to use the same gravel, what I've done is to get a couple of the 'knee-high' nylons (your wife likely has some!) and make a 'gravel sausage' out of them. Then, after you set up the new tank, place these in the aquarium on top of the new gravel. The good bacteria will colonize the surrounding new gravel in no time. When going from a smaller to a larger tank, but keeping (for now) the same bio-load, you should be fine.


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
thanks. I will see if I can snag some nylons from the dollar store (neither my wife nor I are much for "girly" things like nylons, lol). I don't necessarily want t totally get rid of the gravel, but I like the idea of a substrate that helps the plants grow, and that is easier to clean... gravel is a PITA. I would really prefer a 75g tank, but there isn't space for it.

Is there a god way to reinforce the surface I would be placing the tank on? It's a old bureau, and I noticed yesterday that it is slightly bowed in the center with just the 29g n top. It would likely collapse under the exponential weight of the 55... would it be ok if I simply built a platform out of 2x4 & plywood?

Feb 27, 2009
would it be ok if I simply built a platform out of 2x4 & plywood?
That's what I'd do. Lots of DIY plans out there for a 55gallon tank.

What kind of lighting will the 55gallon tank have? Its a deeper tank and can be tricky to light for plants.

If you are pressed for space and want to do a heavily planted tank, I'd recommend a 40gallon breeder. It is a nice foot-print for plants and not as deep, so easier to light.

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Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
thanks. I picked up the 55 earlier, but reading your comments, I might go and get the 40 instead. I was thinking about it before, but wanted the more space for the fish... but the lighting concerns are more pressing for me, and the fish can handle the 40. It will also save on substrate costs. I like the idea of more floor space to work with, though I am not sure it will fit well on the tp of the dresser. I have to go make some measurements before I actually exchange the tank. Thanks guys!

Feb 27, 2009
Unless you are keeping Discus or Angels (who are so TALL and NEED the tank height), most fish use the 'back and forth' water more than the 'up and down.' A 'top dweller' will stay near the surface for the most part, but if the surface is 12" or 24" from the substrate, it makes no difference to them.

But the 40gallon breeder has a LARGER square foot-print than the 55gallon does (648 square inches vs. 624), so saving on substrate costs will not happen!

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Superstar Fish
I really like the 40 gallon breeder as well. My brother has the 55 and and regrets getting it due to the viewing foot print of the 40B is much more impressive. Also as mentioned the light penetration on the 40B is better to.
Your dresser better be a superman strong one to hold a 40 or 55 gallon tank. I have used real wood dressers for 10 gallons but nothing bigger.

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Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
Ok, so I measured the dresser and the 40b, and it won't work out. I won't have space for the filters, I will need new lids... The new light strip (additional) is already a necessity. We bought stuff to make the dresser sturdier. It has held the 29g for over a year, but I am not sure how it will like the 55. I'm still a little worried, but don't have the room for a tank stand as well as the dresser. And I havn't found a satisfactory tank stand yet either. I might still go out and get something to make legs for the platform we have.
I found a place thru amazon that will ship the substrate for free if I buy over $75, and with the amount I need, it will be over that price. I am also looking to get some driftwood for the tank and more plants... hopefully it will all work out. I think I will wait on the driftwood & plants till after the reptile show, since they almost always have that kind of stuff there.


Superstar Fish
Build the stand around the dresser!!! I have done this for a few folks in the past. A simple table type build with the legs braced on the back and sides to stabilize and 2x4 platform with floor type construction would support the tank. This would suffice. and only take up a couple inches on the sides and back.


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
do you have pics? everything I have found is cabinet-style... And I suck at wood-working, so the simpler the better. I also don't have any tools really, so I'm having a tough time coming up with this... maybe my father-in-law can put something together if I get him the materials and plans. He's pretty good at stuff like that. He built their garage and a whole bunch of other stuff...


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
oh, ok. cool. that's pretty much what I had drawn out, minus the front board. my father-in-law is ok with making it, so we go tomorrowto get the rest of the supplies and put it together at his house. I would do it today, but I have to work at 4 :p We are going to give the dresser a 10" clearance to help with the lack of storage space we have.