Thinking Pressurized

After upgrading my lights Im thinking of going pressurized. Now I was researching and these are the things I need:

* CO2 cylinder
* Pressure Regulator
* Needle Valve
* Bubble Counter
* Diffusion Reactor

Am I right? If not please correct me. Anyway, a store around here sells CO2 cylinders like this:

CO2 Cylinder

The only thing it doesnt have is the bronze top. They also have a CO2 kit that comes with a regulator, the thing that tells you how much pressure, and a diffusion reactor. IDK if they have needle valves, I will have to check, but where can I get them if they dont? What is a diffuser reacotr? I searched and found this:

Diffusion Reactor 1
Diffusion Reactor 2

I am going to be reading up, which is what brought me to this post, aswell as I am going to make sure I get th info first hand! Thanks you guys(and gurls)!:p


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
You have to have a Co2 tank, regulator, needle valve. The rest is basicly optional. Strongly recomended though.

There are many different types of reactors. All the reactor does is take the Co2 bubbles and make them more useable for the plants. If you just let the big bubbles into the tank, they will just float up to the surface and be lost. No use for the plants. Most reactors either allow the Co2 to be absorbed into the water, or allows the small Co2 bubbles to come into direct contact with the plants.

You can buy either inline needle valves, or needle valves that connect directly to your regulator or solenoid.

I did DIY Co2 for a long time, and just recently bought a pressurized setup. I wish I had done this years ago.