Ok, I have ich-infested dwarf gouramis right now. I have been treating them with Coppersafe and before that Ich Guard. I know some of the symptoms associated with Ich is that the fish will hang around stationary objects or the surface of the water, but two of mine all but refuse to move. One is right at the surface and is actually leaning up against the glass and another one is staying very near the bottom. Is this okay? Should I be more worried?
And while you're here , you fish experts you , shouldn't these darn fish show signs of improving already? Its been over a week of treatment and it looks like it is getting worse!
I know it isn't the water quality either: I have been doing very frequent water changes, I vaccum the gravel everyday( to remove junk and the unhatched little buggers), I have raised the temp, added some more salt and have kept the time the light on to a minimum to help dissuade the ich from swimming up to the surface, i.e. towards the light. I also have no ammonia and about 2.5 nitrate and my pH is 7.1-ish. Any ideas?
And while you're here , you fish experts you , shouldn't these darn fish show signs of improving already? Its been over a week of treatment and it looks like it is getting worse!
I know it isn't the water quality either: I have been doing very frequent water changes, I vaccum the gravel everyday( to remove junk and the unhatched little buggers), I have raised the temp, added some more salt and have kept the time the light on to a minimum to help dissuade the ich from swimming up to the surface, i.e. towards the light. I also have no ammonia and about 2.5 nitrate and my pH is 7.1-ish. Any ideas?