This hobby really tests you sometimes...


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
All right, this house is officially JINXED when it comes to fish tanks! Some of you may remember that the day after we finished moving in (about three months ago), the 33gal tank in my living room split lengthwise along the bottom panel and flooded my house. Great. Then, a couple weeks later, I walked into the "fish room" where Talon's 75gal tank is, to find that the centre brace had broken and the plexi panels and light bar, while still plugged in, were floating in his tank. Fabulous.

Fast forward to today, my day off. I'm vauuming my house, get to the fish room, and go huh, why is there water on the floor? Thinking one of the fish had splashed, I kept vacuuming...until I discovered the splash was actually a puddle on the hardwood flood.

Talon's tank is broken, the stand is absolutely drenched from it leaking overnight and is now garbage. Excellent.

Because I had to cut down SOOOO many tanks when we moved, my tanks are absolutely 100% stocked to the max now to keep as many fish as I could. I do not have another tank that Talon can move in to, even temporarily for a few days. to Petsmart to get a new tank. Christ. We can't afford this, but it has to be done. They don't have a 75gal, or even a 90gal...they only have a 120gal. I'm secretly thinking, sweet - now Richard can't get angry about having to get a bigger tank, since it's an emergency, lol. If I'm gonna have to buy a new tank, then I might as well get a bigger one for him, since the 75gal is really too small anyway.

So...we then have to rent a pick up from Budget, because we only have cars and have no way of getting the tank home asap. More $$$.

Anyway...the tank is finally home, I'm draining the broken 75gal as we speak and about to pull Talon out into a bucket. How fun has my day been :mad:


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
#2 to Petsmart to get a new tank. Christ. We can't afford this, but it has to be done. They don't have a 75gal, or even a 90gal...they only have a 120gal. I'm secretly thinking, sweet - now Richard can't get angry about having to get a bigger tank, since it's an emergency, lol. If I'm gonna have to buy a new tank, then I might as well get a bigger one for him, since the 75gal is really too small anyway.
This is a good sign. It means that you can still see the silver lining! ;)


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
ok so you got a bigger tank. So tell me again how this was a bad day? lol

Sucks you've had a hard time of things. Been there many times myself. I've suffered massive losses from groups of imported fish gone south, to filters stopping and plecos basically swelling to 5 times their size (02 deprivation). Heaters sticking on, heaters coming unplugged. Ha then there was the night I fell asleep making RO water and flooded the downstairs with an estimated 150 gals of water. And I know all to well the pop sound a light makes as it splashes down in the tank. But honestly in all that time..not once has a tank ever broken on me. :p

*knocks on wood*

Ya I'd say we are fools for even thinking about keeping tanks.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Lol well I am happy to have the bigger tank for sure...Talon is going to be SO much happier in the bigger tank! The 75gal was too small for him anyway. But, financially, it's very painful...we just, just cleared off the credit card, and promptly (and impulsively) spent $800 on a new computer last week. Now, exactly a week later, I had to spend another $500 on the tank. Ouch.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
WTF. That sucks.

I agree Fuzz. At that point I'd be so ticked that if one of my two tanks broke I'd put everyone in the good tank, and what ever didn't get ate is the fish I kept :rolleyes:

Eh, who am I kidding. That's one reason I keep a few 20 gallon plastic tubs on hand. lol. But I would be very tempted just to get it out of the way.

SK- Have you thought about shoring up your tanks with some kind of steel frame work???? :) Glad to hear that everyone's OK though. Emergencies are always hard on the pocketbook.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I would have gone straight to Craigslist. At least in this area there's absolute steals on there for fish tanks. Friend picked up a beautiful 120 gallon a couple weeks ago with oak stand, oak hood, filters, gravel, light, and some rocks for $240.


Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
Ugh that sucks. I'm so scared that one of my tanks will bust in the middle of the night. It's a fear of "NOOO MY FISHIES D="
And I know that my cat will eat any survivors...

And so much money... Down the drain so to speak.
I still love it. Nothing's more relaxing than watching fish swim in a tank while you're stressed.

I agree with craigslist. I got my 30long with two filters, hood, decorations, rocks and a wooden/steel frame for about 60$

And yes I somehow got that damn stand into my car xD

BTW Good luck!


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Craigslist is only great if you live in a big city, which I don't. For my city, there's only about one fish tank put up for sale a week on the site, and it's rarely over 50gal. Plus, we had to put the tank on the credit card, because we weren't expecting to buy one so we didn't just have a few hundred dollars in cash laying around.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Lol the problem is that the room it is in is soooo tiny, I can't back up far enough to be able to get a whole tank shot in the frame. Lol how sad is that? The room is very long and narrow...and there's a tank on every wall, so you've got the 120gal which is 19" wide plus the 6" or so between it and the wall...and on the opposite wall is a 55gal tank that is 12" wide with a few inches between it and the wall as overall I think there's maybe 4ft. between them. So it will have to be half of the tank and then a picture of the other half of the tank :p