This is I think the tank


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
3 gallon tank bio wheel and filter system.
Over all a good tank and good reviews.

I have to seriousely clean it up and get a new filter tonight and some new gravel, maybe red.

They have rock in it right now not to fond of it really, I figure fish need color in there lives and not just brown and green.


Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Cool! I've got that exact tank, and it's a really nice setup.
The only thing that bugs me about it is the way the brace in the middle (which supports the filter) makes it difficult to do arranging in the tank, but the upside is that you probably won't need to rearrange a whole lot at once in such a small tank. lol

Anyway, I'd do exactly as Helena recommends and keep the old filter insert in there...maybe just rinse it in some old tankwater.

It will be a great home for a betta...
I'm assuming that's what you're planning on putting in there, right? ;)



Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
Well I tossed the old filter out the charcol in it was half gone so I am thinking they had the filter for a longtime, Bio wheel is fine, has off color to it so it's got good gunk in it for the tank.

So it's 3-6 gal tank really, I kept the rock in it just cleaned the crap out of it, rinsed until it ran clearish got 3 jave ferns for it and added some amquel to it and all is good.

I really don't like the big goldie in the tank he/she chases the littler one and I think the bggr one has issues anyways, nuratic behavyor, always looking to be fed.