plz tell me if there is any more fish i need for a community tank
i have:
6 penguin tetra.
4 neon tetra.
2 green cory.
2 plecos.
2 sunset platy.
5 red platy.
4 golden gourami.
2 silver/moonlight mollies.
2 silver/bala shark.
1 male swordtail.1 female swordtail.
u need more neons for them to be happy, might as well make it an even dozen in your tank, same with the penguins. you might also want more golden gourami since i heard taht you want 2 or a school. Plus if you get like 3-4 different schools of fish taht would be tight as hell!
Drop the balas and get more cories. Balas get too big for a community tank and cories need more buddies. Same with neons. You might as well make it a swarm of like 20 or 30 lol.
Is this an existing tank or an existing in your mind tank?
I would definately get about 4 more cories and few more neons, but I agree with you, don't get rid of your bala. I think balas do well in a community tank(probably especially a 100g community tank) AWESOME TANK!!!!!!!!!
thankz jd_energy have u got any pics of u r tank
now ive got 10 zebra dainios 10 black neons
and 1 more plec but as soon as put the plec in it died plz tell me why!
no, I don't have any pics. I tried to take pictures but they didn't come out because of the flash, then I tried with no flash and they still didn't come out. So next time I will try at an angle. Or if I hook up my webcam maybe, i don't know LOL
I don't know why your fish would die, maybe had an illness before you put it in or sudden change in water chemistry. Do you have a problem with your danios chasing your other fish? In my experience with danios, they seemed pretty territorial.
well, i think balas shud do fine in your tank. I have 2 balas in my 75 gallon, and loads of other fish. I will get rid of the danios tho(i have over 20 of them!) to make more room.
I also cud use the bioload they produce as im doing a "natural" tank, meaning no fertilization at all.
If you have the image saved to your computer, you can attach it. When you are posting scroll down and there will be something that says Attach a File or somethig like that. Click BROWSE and find the image. Then submit the post.
here is some pics of my tanks sorry about the quality, that is all I have for now until I go buy a $500 digital camera. The one on the left top is the 10 gallon with the tetras(but you cant see them ). The one on the right top is the 10 gallon with the tiger barbs and clown loaches(you can kind of see them ). The bottom left is the 2.5gallon mini-bow with the guppies. And the bottom right one is the 2 gallon hex with the cichlid(I know he's not very happy in there but that is all I have for him now) he is very healthy and active though. What do you think?