This might sound stupid


Large Fish
Mar 2, 2008
Inland Empire
but could i use water from my freshwater fishtanks to use in my 10g nano tank because i hate going threw the whole cycle process

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN

You're better off using NEW, CLEAN, FRESH RO water, rather than stealing it from your freshwater tanks. You should not rush things when it comes to setting up a Saltwater tank, or any type of tank for that matter. You may as well flush your money down the toilet right now.

even if you could, the water doesnt hold very much beneficial bacteria as your substrate, filters etc. As everyone has said, just take your time and be patient. Im having a really hard time waiting for my 40 gal to cycle, but im holding off and waiting, because i know i will have a beautiful tank for years to come. If you want to cycle faster, you could buy actual live rock. not the dry stuff or anything, but straight out of an established tank right into yours.