Ok i cut it down alot.
Also i may not get a pygmy cory because im going to use a carpet plant so the plants can feed off bottom food!
Also i know i only need 1 oto but he i hate not having friends for fish. In my 30gal their is at least 2 of everything except my red tiped shark.
Also tomorrow is pay day
I will be buying my heater, fluorescent bulb, hagen plant grow natural system with CO2, Flourite, bogwood.
This will coast me around 70-100$ depending on size of bogwood and retailer!
Remeber also it will be heavly planted with bogwood and maby a fake wood log from walmart for hiding places for shrimp. The combo of fish go together well and with many difrent foods for my fish and 30% water changes ever week im sure they will love their new home!