Those foams in Ac500


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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Hi guys. I have those 2 ac500 and and i was wondering if i should remove the foam. Some say it's nitrate traps.
It's been 2 months since my setup started, the ammonia is 0, and no probs except a little too much copecods..wich is kewl for my Damsels...they love the taste.

If it's no bad to keep the foam, then how often should i wash it now that my tank is cycled ?

Maybe i could put some LR or Bio-Max in it to replace the foam...mmhh..

BTW...i'm a noob and i'm amazed by the coraline spreading color around the tank..can't find that in sw...sweet purple and sweet. Fun to be a noob and
being excited by that :D
I should thank one of my Astrea snails covered with purple coraline to help my tank grow ;-)


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
I think the little stuff (coraline, exciting LR critters, etc) is exciting to all of us, new or old...thats what keeps us coming back :)

you could definitely put some LR in the AC500 to replace the pade if you wanted, but it probably isnt necessary unless you just want more LR for some reason. I dont remember how much rock you have or how big your tank is, but the relatively tiny amount of bacteria in the filter pad is probably not worth the hastle it will take to keep it clear of buildup. i say just ditch the foam and call it a day