Thought that I had the hang of it!

Jan 20, 2006
St. Charles, MO
Well I thought that I had the hang of running my 29gal tank. I got all of the fin rot and pop eye cleared up I had to take all the fish back to the pet store and as soon as I did all of my others started getting better. I finished the medication and all was well, so I thought that I would get a few to replace the ones that I had to give up. So I go to the store get the fish come home put them in the water after they set there and got used to the water everything went so well the water cleared up and everything. I also put in two plants(potted Amazon Swords) Now all of a sudden I have brown/green algea so I started doing more research and found that maybe a couple of cory cats could help well I guess not enough so I went last night and got a baby pleco and a mystery snail. When I got up this morning the snail has gone to snail heaven and I'm not sure why everybody else is doing fine. I can't seem to find a whole lot of info about snails. Do you guys think that they are a good idea for my tank? All of my water parameters check fine. So now I'm at a loss again also my water has gotten real cloudy. Do you all think that I should do another water change and if so how much? Thanks for all the advice that I have received from you guys I really want to have a beautiful tank like you all have!!!! I'm just so crazy about fish love them so much*BOUNCINGS


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Snails dont generally die that easily...Did you take it back to the store and get a replacement? I love my apple per tank (you dont need them multiplying)...they wont usually take care of too much algae, but they will usually keep things cleaned up in the tank so algae is less likely to show up. The pleco should do well with the algae...but you also need to read a little into the causes of algae because there are quite a few, and you want to make sure you're not doing something that is causing more than normal. Overfeeding, too much nitrate in the water (ie not enough water changes), too much light...lots of stuff. Ottos are good...but I think I'd wait and see how the pleco does because the tank has such a big mixture of fish and *if you have room* I think personally i'd get more of the schooling fish (things like harlequin rasboras do best in groups of at least 5, same with the tetras).


Large Fish
May 16, 2005

Hey Froggy,

I was curious about your Apple Snails. I've been meaning to get one for my tank but since I have a planted tank I've been hesitant. Will an apple snail eat your plants? Do you need to feed it anything else besides what it can scrounge up in the tank?



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Mine like algae wafers...I have one in my 46 which has plants and he seems to leave them alone and prefers everything else (leftover flake, shrimp pellets, algae wafers etc)...but some have said that their snail will eat plants. Try checking out and see if they have some more definitive answers about snails eating plants.

They're super fun though :) Just be sure to only get one you dont want them breeding its a mess.