Three times the charm?


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Here's hoping. As some of you may know, I've been obsessed with getting some V. argentea for many, many years. You just can't get them in BC, and the only time I've seen them on any Canadian stock list was on Spencer's list ages ago. I have managed to get my hands on some twice before. The first time was a few years back, ordered some 2" juveniles from Jeff Rapps, but they came to me beat to snot (not due to Jeff or the shipping) and all four died within a week. Then, over this last winter, I managed to get a group of five 4-5" juvies from a fellow member - just in time for a major plague in my tanks that killed many of my favorite fish over a two month span before I was able to get things settled down. Sure enough, all five died. So, hopefully the third time will be the charm, and if not, I may just have to give up my argentea dream.

I just got some VERY tiny, 1-1.5" babies from a store in Oregon. A member at another site was kind enough to pick them up for me when she was there, and I just got them last night. The good news is that they are very healthy and absolutely stunning already. The bad news is that five were ordered, five were paid for, the bag stated five...but only two were actually IN the bag. There goes my plans for getting a breeding pair, most likely. But, they're phenomenal little guys, very curious and active in their new home.


Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
They are neat. I looked them up to see some adult pics and they can become quite stunning. Hope this time you have better luck and maybe you will get lucky with these two being a breeding pair.


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
Im sorry whats the more common name for these as im stupid lol but wow they are very pretty already.

edit: if they have a more common name lol dont mind me had a guinness

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Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Most cichlids don't have common names because there are so many species and variants it would be impossible to tell them apart. Much simpler to just stick with the Latin names for the most part.

Good luck SK! Stranger things have happened lol :)