Tiger barb bully no more?


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Hello everyone, for those who helped me with my previous post on Tiger barb bullying its shoal, thanks much! Here's an update:

with 4 left in the shoal, the last barb i purchased from my LFS (The Pette Shop) finally died. That LFS is now 0 for 5 as for my barbs. I've concluded the possible reasons for death.

-They were my cycle fish (I never cycled the tank, I started with them after only starting up the tank for 3 days).
-They were very young, barely an inch in length (I'm guessing their youth makes them more susceptible to condition changes and what not)
-I couldn't tell based on them being so young if they were a healthy bunch.

So while 3 of these barbs were remaining, I went to petsmart and purchased 4 medium sized TBs and a redtail shark. After 2 weeks the results were:

-largest new TB died
-RT shark is healthy and active
-3 remaining TBs from first batch die
-3 Barbs in the tank, one becomes an atrocious bully

After reading recommendations and such from my last post, I made these adjustments:

-Gravel Vacuum
-40% water changes weekly
-more hiding places
-more fake plants

The bully was still pretty relentless, the 2nd barb is missing most of its tail from being nipped, and the 3rd is getting very slim (stress?)
The RT Shark has also become more aggressive, chasing them all around when they come near the right side of the tank (yes he's territorial and will get even nastier)

***Newest addition***
I purchased 2 more barbs, a buffed up female and a male (I think the female is pregnant!) and so far this is what happened:

The bully has been brushing up against the fat TB, and the 3 of them have been actively sticking together for the last hour.
The TB with the ripped tail has been trailing
The TB who is getting slim has been hiding
The RT Shark joins their pecking order now and then?

Is it possible this addition may have created better chemistry for the tank???

Jun 29, 2008
WOW that is quite a story. I added a few more TBs to my tank and they joined the 'school' pretty quickly. Some of my rainbow sharks are aggressive and chase the TBs away.

I think your change may have helped the tank!


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
update**** okay the bully is back to being a bully, even the 2 bigger barbs i just got shy away from him much. I pulled the bully out of the tank into a 1 gallon brita that I use as my water changer lol for a time out, and he is in a frenzy swimming in circles like a nut.... what do i do!!!!