Tiger Barb hanging vertically behind the heater is he sick?

Mar 15, 2012
So i have 7 tiger barbs in my 20 gallon they all seem fine except for one that tends to hang out behind the heater alone from the rest. He doesnt seem sick, his coloring isn't faded, and the water parameters are ok my ammonia levels are a little on the high side, but its nothing serious, and i am taking care of it. So is he sick, and he only does this durring certain times of the day, sometimes hes alone vertical, and other times he is fine and swimming with the group.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I have noticed some of my tiger barbs swimming with their heads down from time to time. It seems to occur some times after feeding almost as tho they are having trouble with there swim bladders. They generally are fine after a while. One tiger was severly affected a few days ago. It was unable to swim normally for nearly two days and was hiding in the thick plants. I tghought it was not going to survive. I fed some uncooked canned peas on the chance it was a digestion issue. The tiger was swimming normally by the next day. I am still uncertain if the peas actually helped and am still trying to puzzle the issue out.

Mar 15, 2012
I tested the ammonia this morning after i did a water change and it came up at a safe level but .5 doesn't really seem that safe to me. I'm going to try giving them some peas and see if that helps. Oh i also am treating the tank for ick, because most of them had some white spots on there bodies could that be why they are swimming so strangely?