tiger barbs and cory cats

Oct 22, 2002
years ago, with my very first tank, a very overstocked 10G, I tried to introduce a lone cory paleatus in the tank. The tank had, among many others, a school of 6 tiger barbs.  Checked on the tank before going to bed to find poor Cory hiding in a corner- finless and bleeding:-O :eek:. He did'nt make it through the night despite gallant efforts and pints of stress coat.  I've never tried keeping Cories with barbs again, even though I love them in a community tank-little sniffing puppy dog fish!  Anyway the guys at the LFS could hardly believe it.  Any feedback???


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
cories appear to have no defense mecanisims.i won't put notoriusly nippy fish with them.for some reason most all cories
are tottaly passive. mine seem to blank out when attacked.the only ones i have known of to be agressive are long nosed types and bearded and then only to each other.what size is your tank now?the only ways i could think of is get a large tank 55gal+ or find tb's and cories rased together.new fish are often treated as food when introduced to a hungry,established tank,so feed before adding new fish  

Oct 22, 2002
Thanks Mike,
I currently have a 20G long with TB's. I have a 20G with convicts.  My old 10 has a pair of comets.  I found this site because I have an empty 20 and would like to venture into the world of planted tanks with that.  For years I took care of four tanks at my daughters preschool.  There we had a pair ofthe coolest salt and pepper cories.  I hope to get a 75G soon as I create the space.