Tiger Barbs



In my 30G I have 10 neons, 5 Green Tiger Barbs and 2 German Blue Rams. The female rams looks ready to breed. In my 10G I have 17 swordtails about 3/4"+. On Saturday, I managed to get 17  pineapple swordtails (1 is actually orange) in the 30G and the 2 rams into the 10G to breed (not sure if rams will breed in 10G but I thought Id try). I guess my plan was not such a good idea. I did the switch late Saturday night so the lights were off in the 30G. It gave the swordtails time to adapt to the 30G. Sunday morning I was watching the 30G and counting the fish. I noticed the orange swordtail was hiding and cowering in the plants (didnt know why). Then she darted towards another clump of plants and to my surpise the neons were after it but quickly decided the fish was to big to eat. She was around 3/4" big. I came to the conclusion that colors attract other fish. The neons did not go after other similiar sized swordtails. The barbs however did not give up chasing the orange swordtail. I have heard that "if the fish fits into its mouth, it will eat it". Not true for the barbs. The barbs did manage to catch the orange st and managed to suck its tail into its mouth but could not eat the whole fish. It then tried the head and same thing. The poor little st was pretty much a goner. Ok!! No problem! Maybe it was just the color. Nope!! Few minutes later, the barbs had another similar sized st that it could not eat but nevertheless tried. So, I was left with no choice but to take the st's out again. This did it for the barbs. I'll be taking them back to the lfs and exchange them with some discus.

I thought Id just share this experience.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
It all depends with those darn tigers. They can be fine, like mine, or a pain in the butt...like I had in the past.

I had it it with my awesome looking Rubys and Rosys however, as they destroy any plant except swords that is placed in the tank. I dont care how nice looking they are....ok I do...I cant get rid of them...I like them too much... ;)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yes I had this type of problem too! I had a about 4 little green tiger barbs and an angel fish in a ten gallon and they ripped his fins apart and I had to get rid of them :( They were really neat fish but I loved that angel so they had to go. Just thought I'd let you know my little experience. ;D

Ronrca did you rams end up breeding ???



My rams did not breed yet. They are back in the 30G with the barbs and neons. If they do breed however, Im afraid that the others will have fresh food. I will be clearing out the 30G soon as my 90G is finished cycling then I will leave the rams in the 30G to breed.

Oct 22, 2002
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
never know about that!!! i have 3 beloved :-* tiger barbs, 2 cute::) green tiger barbs, 2 pretty ;D sunset platy, and also 3 ;) lovely "blind-cave-tetra-like" which have eyes n i don't think they r really blind..so i dunno if they r BCT ??? OH! almost forget my hateful :-X chinese golden algea eater which LOVE to dig up the plants n stones...
they get along! althought i did see them fight ( kissing each other!!  :-*) they never try to eat the others (i think!)

o yea!! how to breed tiger barbs? green tiger barbs?? sunset platy?? how to tell which its sex???
::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) :eek: