Tiger Barbs

Feb 8, 2006
Vancouver,British Columbia
So my Tiger Barbs look like they are losing colour.....

I know my current fish tank is overstocked but I am going to be getting another tank and seperating my fish, into two tanks. But its going to wait for a bit...

Does anyone know why they are losing colour?

And unfortunately I don't know what my water parameters are, I am buying a full testing kit at the end of the week.*twirlysmi

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
In my experience a fish's loss of color has been caused by one of two things (or both at the same time is possible, I suppose):

-stress (could be brought on by a number of different factors)
-lower tank temp.

Unless you've adjusted your heater lately (or it's not working properly), then I would think that your tiger barbs are somehow stressed---either from water-quality problems and/or bullying amongst each other and/or by other tank-mates. Normally you would see visible signs of damage (nipped fins, etc.).

When is the last time you did a water change?
If it's been more than a week, definitely do another water change as soon as possible.

Any visible signs of damage on the fish? How is their behavior...still feeding okay?

Water quality would be my first concern, but it's really hard to say for certain since you won't be able to test it right away.

Big Vine

Feb 8, 2006
Vancouver,British Columbia
Yes its been more than a week since my last water change maybe I'll do that, I was thinking maybe i added to much of the decholorinator in my last water change though....? would that effect them at all?

And they have been feeding fine, still going after the shrimp that I give them etc..... =( just hoping they are ok, because once I move they will be going to a bigger tank.... or at least a tank of their own

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Dennis-Pir said:
I was thinking maybe i added to much of the decholorinator in my last water change though....? would that effect them at all?
Adding a little more than the recommended dosage shouldn't hurt them at all. It might be different if it were meds, but in the case of dechlorinator it really shouldn't affect them adversely.

Dennis-Pir said:
once I move they will be going to a bigger tank.... or at least a tank of their own
I'm sure they'll be happy in their bigger home!

I'd just do the water change, like you said, and that should help. Let us know how they do in their bigger tank.

Big Vine