Tiger Barbs


Large Fish
Jan 11, 2007
I am going to get 29 gallon tank soon, and I wanted to put some tiger barbs in there. I was wondering if it would be alright if I put some angelfish in there with them. I dont want the tiger barbs to nip at the angelfish fins.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
I wouldn't do this for multiple reasons.

1. The angels will outgrow a 29g Tank no doubt.

2. The Tigers will nip the angels, unless you get a large enough school, in which case they'll be a little cramped in the 29g as well. And a large school doesn't mean the barbs won't nip, it just becomes less likely.

3. Tiger barbs do get quite large themselves some approaching 2.75 inches, so picture a school of those monsters in a 29g tank.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Amaster131 said:
What would you suggest I put in a 29 gallon tank? I dont want to overstock the tank.

Well that depends on what you want....A "pretty" tank, an "active" tank etc.

I've got a 29g myself, I have 2 schools in it, 1 school of Serpae Tetra, and 1 School of Danio, I intend to add some bottom dwelling fish (To be decided)

Some suggestions

Rasboras (Pretty and not big)
Platies/Mollys (Pretty, Hardy and easy breeders)
Some Tetras (Red Eye's, Serpaes, Neons etc. there are many Tetras, some better than others)
Danios (Active and fun, plus several different varieties to choose from)

There are countless options, I'm sure more people will chime in ;)

Take a look in fish profiles section, you'll find a bunch of info there, including recommended tank sizes, temps etc. for various species.


Large Fish
Sep 19, 2006
I'd put an angel in a 29gal. I wouldn't do one of those veil tail angels though.

I wouldn't do both a school of barbs and angel in a 29gal. Not enough room for them to swim around, it would lead to aggression by one or the other.

Barbs do get large, my "big momma" is closer to 4 inches long if you include the tail and a good 2 and 1/2 inches tall. (Fat too) Just make sure you know what you are getting into with those cute little nickle size fish you see at the store!

I have angels and barbs together but they are in a 55gal. The only agression shown is the barbs to each other or the angel if the barbs try sorting out their aggression (pecking order) near it.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Amaster131 said:
Would giant danios out grow a 29 gallon tank?

No, I think you'd be ok with them, however if memory serves, you should get a small school of them if possible, the book I have says they can reach 4.75 inches, but I've never seen them that large. Also if I'm not mistaken Giant Danio's are jumpers, so you'll need a close fitting hood.

IDunnoWhy said:
I wouldn't do this for multiple reasons.

1. The angels will outgrow a 29g Tank no doubt.

2. The Tigers will nip the angels, unless you get a large enough school, in which case they'll be a little cramped in the 29g as well. And a large school doesn't mean the barbs won't nip, it just becomes less likely.

3. Tiger barbs do get quite large themselves some approaching 2.75 inches, so picture a school of those monsters in a 29g tank.
Okay I have to disagree with 2 things here. An Angel (or a pair by themselves) can be put in a 29g. It is very doable, many people accomplish this. The tiger barbs are also good choices for a 29g. You can easily put 6-8 of them plus some bottom dwellers in a 29g. But its matter of opinion if you ask me. Tiger barbs(along with many semi agressive schoolers) will tend to nip only at their own kind if in a large school.

I wouldnt mix the two because of obvious agression and it will be a small space for both together. Stick with one or the other and good luck with it.

The giant Danios would be more suited with larger fish. I have seen them eat a female guppy. I wouldnt chance it. Get maybe some tetras if you plan on keeping the guppy plan.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
James From Cali said:
Okay I have to disagree with 2 things here. An Angel (or a pair by themselves) can be put in a 29g. It is very doable, many people accomplish this. The tiger barbs are also good choices for a 29g. You can easily put 6-8 of them plus some bottom dwellers in a 29g. But its matter of opinion if you ask me. Tiger barbs(along with many semi agressive schoolers) will tend to nip only at their own kind if in a large school.

I wouldnt mix the two because of obvious agression and it will be a small space for both together. Stick with one or the other and good luck with it.

The giant Danios would be more suited with larger fish. I have seen them eat a female guppy. I wouldnt chance it. Get maybe some tetras if you plan on keeping the guppy plan.
Angelfish can grow to 6" I just can't imagine two 6" fish trying to enjoy life in a 29g tank (The key is them enjoying life as much as we enjoy watching them, lets not forget this), the footprint just isn't there.

As far as the tiger barbs go, I agree I've seen them in tanks of this size, however why? as you said you could put 6-8 in the tank w/some bottom dwellers, but then what do you have? You've limited what the tank can be. IME Tigers just don't play well with others, so your stuck with a limited species tank. There are so many other species to choose from that Won't limit your stocking choices.

The key with angels are tall tanks(which is what they need compared to the reglar tanks). Angels need to swim vertically and thats what a tall 29g can do for them. Its not so difficult to pull it off and in the end they are happier than what they would have been at the store. Like I said its a matter of personal opinion.

Tiger barbs are great looking fish. Im sure you can put other fish in there, as long as they are capable of holding thier own. Even without other fish they make a great Species Only Tank. And the same can be said for Dwarf Puffers. As they Need to be in Species only tanks. But no matter what they are great fish and are worth a species only tank.

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Large Fish
Sep 19, 2006
I've seen giant danios at the LFS at agood 4inches, and the body mass to go with it. They are as active as zebra danios very active to the point of driving you nuts..... all your arguments for not doing tigers barbs, I'd double those arguments for a small school of giant danios.

I honestly can't imagine what else you could put in a 29gal with such active and aggresive fish....tiger barbs are smaller, slower and less nippy then giant danios. I'd vote for one angel with 6 tigerbarbs over a small school of giant danios.

personally, I'd do just what my husband did with his 29gal, (but not steal the fish from my tanks LOL) He has 7 rosey barbs and an angelfish.....for a newb, his tank sure is beautiful (he has driftwood and lots of live stolen plants...)

or just to throw it out there......have you seen rainbows? a couple of bosemani's, a couple of turquoise and maybe a few of dwarf neons could be quite pretty, colorful and active without too much aggression


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Fishywishy said:
I honestly can't imagine what else you could put in a 29gal with such active and aggresive fish....tiger barbs are smaller, slower and less nippy then giant danios. I'd vote for one angel with 6 tigerbarbs over a small school of giant danios.
Yea it's funny depending on which thread you read, some people say Tigers are great community fish, while others say No they're horrible community fish. My position is, I think it depends on what you'd like in with them. I like active tanks, however if I were to put 6-8 Tigers in my 29g, they would not work well with my other schools (Probably) Cuz my Danio's and my Serpae's are both nippy lil punks. So in this case tigers won't work, just plain and simple. But if you build your stocking plans around tigers then it will work, but your not going to be as open to other options.

In the past I have tried a school of Tigers (I think I had 6) in my 20L, very active pretty lil' guys.....Shredded my male betta, nipped all 3 Fancy guppies to death...The list goes on, Obviously those were probably not good tank mates, my fault, I should probably have researched it better, just trying to prevent the same mistake here.

One more thing to consider, there are a bunch of "Barbs" that are less nippy, you may want to look into some of those also.

Fishywishy said:
...or just to throw it out there......have you seen rainbows? a couple of bosemani's, a couple of turquoise and maybe a few of dwarf neons could be quite pretty, colorful and active without too much aggression
Now I bet that would be a pretty tank, I don't know much about Rainbows, other than they are pretty :D