Tiger Barbs

Feb 18, 2003
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I have a 29 Gal that right now only have 2 Emperor Tetras and 2 Panda Corys. I was thinking of getting some Tiger Barbs but am not sure as I know they can be agressive. Any thoughts, many thanks in advance as always.


Sep 19, 2006
tiger barbs can be very nippy when they're young. There aggression as far as I can see with mine is limited to their own species. They like to chase each other and like to determine a new pecking order each day. Therefore, they tend to stress other fish out, without actually hurting anyone.

Those cute little barbs in the lfs, get closer to 3 inches long and 2 inches tall. If you were to shave off the fins of my full grown angelfish and squish them down a little to make them fat, you'd have about the same body mass as a tiger barb. You really need a school to keep them from aggressing on others, so you'd need 6 of these. However, they need more space then a 3 inch fish, they need the space of a 5 inch fish for swimming room. I just don't see you or the fish being happy in a 29gal. If you were doing tiger barbs only with a couple of bottom feeders, you'd be fine :)

I hope this helps with your decision, you could, but you'd be better off not mixing them :)


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2006
Tampa, FL
i disagree somewhat, i think a school of 6 or so tiger barbs could do well in a 29 gallon. i don't know much about emperor tetras, but they probably like to be in groups of more than 2. so i don't know how that part would work out. tiger barbs can be fun though (and hardy!), so you might see what other semi-agressive fish you could put with them.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
I had Tigers in my 29g for a short time (I had 5) they really didn't pose any threat to my other fish, the only problem I ever ran into was them nipping my dwarf gouramis "feelers" but it wasn't all that common, I did return them and the gourami ultimately, because I went for a different direction in that tank.

Sep 19, 2006
I didn't mean that putting a school of tiger barbs in the 29gal, I was referring to putting the tiger barbs in the tank with the tetra's would make for an unhappy fishkeeper. Not because of agression, but because of their love to chase each other and do the kissy thing to sort out pecking order. If he'd had said a school of serpea tetras, I would have said to go for it......

my apologies for any confusion

btw, jessey is correct in that they are a really fun fish...... even when they sleep they are fun to watch.....they do headstands!


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I would not go for tiger barbs unless you plan to get rid of your tetras. Tiger barbs get very large and can be very nasty. They do need large groups to spread out their aggression. Although some would disagree with me, I would not put a school in anything smaller than a 55 gallon tank.