tiger fish death


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
anyone help me plz.... everyday 1 of my tigerbarb were die.... i dont know why... they die with their mouth open so widely...... this things start when i add my tank with plant and some laterite substrate..... whats wrong w/ my tiger fish... for information, i also have rosy barb, arulis barb, chekered barb, gold barb and rasboras but they seem doest get any impact .... plz help me...


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
how big is your tank and how many of each fish?

how many tiger barbs did you start with?

how many do you have now?

how long have you had the barbs?

do you have test kits? if so what are your readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrAte?

did any of the fish show any symptoms before dying?

anything else happen recently that may have stressed them?

i think someone on this site had an experience where their tiger barbs picked on each other to death until only 1 was left  :'(  i'm not sure it was someone here but i know i saw it somewhere so that might be whats happening

if you can answer those questions and let us know more about your tank it might help

i dont know if the plants & substrate would cause problems unless changing the substrate upset your biofilter, since you have plants i'm guessing you don't have a ugf but maybe it would affect it in some way maybe someone else knows, i sure don't

sorry bout your fishies  :'(  hope things get better

--liz :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
That was me  ;D Had a nice school of five Green Tiger Barbs and the dominate one killed off the other four so now he has to deal with being chased around by the rainbow shark all by his little lonesome<G>.  I kept finding one a day dead until only the one SOB was left. Didn't knotice if their mouths were open or closed.

Orange/black Tiger barbs will do that as well, chase each other until only one is left. If you could answer some of Liz's question that will better help people visualize your tank and give them more to go on in giving advice. Stress such as changing substrate can also upset fish, but since so much was going on in your tank to begin with, who knows.


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
my tank is about 30 galons ( 80 x 40 x 35 cm) and befor the death came i have 8 tigerbarb, 8 rosybarb, 2 rasbora, 4 gold barb, 2 arulius barb... now only have 4 tigerbarb left 7 rosybarb, 3 gold barb 2 rasbora and 2 arulius barb left.... ( to day i lost 2 tigerbarb,1 rosybarb, 1 goldbarb)...


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
its been 2 weeks now after i set up my tank?.... how can i know the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate values of my tank ( sorry i am new here) ?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
you can get test kits from your lfs (local fish store)

if you set up your tank without cycling first (see articles section on this site) and added that many fish all at once your fish are probably dying from ammonia poisoning and it's likely that rest will all die very soon.

you will need to cycle your tank with a few (2-3) hardy fish or do a fishless cycle by adding ammonia daily either way your going to need test kits

you might want to return your remaining fish to your lfs for credit and start over by doing a fishless cycle

--liz  :)