Tiger Oscars


Small Fish
Aug 24, 2003
Visit site
Ok, I bought 3 tiger oscars from the store about 1 month ago. When I purchased them, there was 1 about 1.25" and 2 about 1.5". Right now, the small on is only about 2" and the two bigger ones are reaching 4". Is there a problem with the small one? It seems to be growing at a much slower rate.

It does eat when fed and there are no damaged fins or signs of itch. In fact, it sometimes will attack the bigger ones if they try to stare him/her down. (how to i determine sex?) I feed them a mixture of frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp, frozen plankton, frozen beef hearts, colorbits, oscar grow pellets, jumbomin cichlid sticks, raw meat and feeder guppies.

There are also 2 plecos in there at the moment. They are in a 20g right now because the 75g is cycling right now (i got the tank up and running this week and cycling should be down by early next week. (About 30G of the new tank is tank water from the 20G).

Also, they're losing their orange. What can I do? And they're black is wearing off to a light grey as well.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
theres your problem right there. because there in a small tank it is stunting their growth, i expect once you put them in the bigger tank he'll start to grow again. there probably losing there colour due to the fact that their in a small tank aswell, wait unitll their in their new home, and if they dont get any better there may be a problem.

also 75g, is to small for 3 oscars, maybe two of them will pair off and you'll manage to keep to in there, but either way you going to have to eventually get rid of 1 or 2 of your oscars.