Hello all. Out working tonight and stopped by a local retirement home. They have a nice 70g tank with lotsa fish, too many actually. As I looked at these awesome fish, one of the residents suggested I take the two big fish home and that the owner was trying to get rid of them. I have an empty 90g tank at home and was thinking of snagging these two enormous fish of their hands. Each fish looks about 18-20" in length and are just huge. They are getting along fine now, in a small tank with many other tankmates. What are your opinions about keeping the two of these fish together? There are many smaller red devils, a jack dempsey, the large red devil and tilapia(or I am pretty sure that is what they are) and then several smaller 6-9" fish. The tank is severely overcrowded and am really thinking of adopting them. Just let me know your thoughts and feelings. Thanks all