"Tiny Bubbles.....


New Fish
Jul 3, 2005
Hi Everyone:

We have a 90g no fish, but have just put in some plants.
there is an Ehim 2028 pro 2 i believe???
2 bubble discks and a bubble wall. the out take pipe is submersed down to the bottom. We had these tiny little bubbles floating all over and was told that we should cover them which would create better bubbles. Now after doing this there dosn't seem to be enough movment at the surface.

Should we raise the bar of the out take to create a wave? willl this be enough?

Sorry for the long post.


New Fish
Jul 3, 2005

The out take is at the bottom. cause when we had it above the water it was creating the tiny micro bubbles. also with the out take submersed the filtered water is being dispursed at different depth.

Do you think that we should rase the out take to just below the water line to create some sort of a wave. We ried that the other night when we were putting the plants in it gave a cool look especialy with the moon light.

wasnt sure if there would be enough oxygen though.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
The normal place for the out take is an inch or two under the water line.

I'm not really sure what you're trying to achieve in terms of oxygen. Are there dead spots in the tank (areas with no water movement) or are the fish you're planning to keep needing very oxygenated water?

Generally, water movement from filters and powerheads creates enough surface movement for oxygen. Some tanks will need additional water movement, depending on the dimensions. Is this a tall tank or a long tank?

Are you using real plants or plastic? What fish are you planning to keep?


New Fish
Jul 3, 2005
Not really sure of what fish yet still searching.

They are real plants ( 3 bunches Large Hygro, and 3 bunches of Elodia)
After talking to the LFS we covered the discs and wall so now there are dead spots, but uncovered there was the tiny bubble problem.

Tank is 4 ft long 2 ft high 1.5 ft wide.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I would say you should add either a powerhead or a HOB (power) filter to the tank to increase the movement in the water. While your Eheim is giving enough filtration, it seems there are dead spots in the tank. The bubble stones/walls aren't really necessary, especially as your tank isn't very tall. Definitely move the out take up nearer the surface.

In a tank, it isn't bubbles that add oxygen in the water, but it's when they break at the surface that creates the exchange of oxygen. Anything that breaks the tension at the surface (either bubbles bursting or a filter out take that creates surface movement) will give plenty of oxygen for the fish. Plants also create oxygen when the lights are on.