To bad my shrimp decides to play nice.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I could of sworn i saw this shrimp carrying some eggs the other day, couldn't get a closer look. I guess it could of been eggs or poo but they definently looked like little orange/yellow balls.

I guess in that case this shrimp is a female. Guess that explains why she goes around and feels up EVERY SKIRT on the polyps. ;) You know how women are...they have to touch everything in the store they see.

EDIT: NVM just read they were hermaphrodites....oh well still classifies it as a female...

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i have 1 cleaner shrimp in my 125g and lucky for me he chills under my left overflow and never bothers anything :p both the cleaner shrimp and the neon goby chill in the same spot 90% of the time and its actually the cleaning station where everybody goes to get clean :D ... the whole walking on top of corals and stealling food is exactly why i have no crabs in my reef and im lucky my cleaner respects my corals ;)
btw cool pics!

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
My hermit is always stealing food. My shrimp has been really good about it, i drop some NLS pellets in and he goes NUTS. Like i've never seen a shrimp go this nuts for food before but as soon as the pellets hit the water he starts running (literally) around the tank catching them.

My peppermints are destroying the aptasia, every morning i wake up to less and less i love it!