To many bubbles from protein skimmer

OK here is my problem. I have a 6 foot 120 gallon tank set up with salt. Its been running now for 7 months and no serious problem have arises. I have a Berlin 250 gallon protein skimmer. It has been working perfectly since day one. It is using a 700 gallon/hour pump ( recommended) . NOW recently i had a minor velvet outbreak. I caught it in time and treated it with a ich/velvet cure and it worked well. ( rare for me ). BUT since i treated it the protein skimmer still works good BUT the micro bubbles spill out threw the output or whatever ya call it and fill the entire tank. It clouds it up and takes away from it beauty. If i turn off the skimmer they go away in about 2 mintus and it look perfectly clear and gorgeous. BUT IT SUX to have to do that to enjoy looking at it every time. I have tried cleaning the skimmer. Changing the bubble input. restricting the pump flow. just about everything IN FACT yes everything. So My Q's are... am I correct in assuming that the treatment has some how changed the properties of the water or the surface tension? (The skimmer is still pulling out blue even tho you cant see it in the main tank). It is a hang on skimmer) I do not use a sump to to limited room for it. Will this problem go away?? and has anyone had similar experiences like this? Is there a solution to speed up getting it back to normal ( preferably not changing the entire water volume .

already fixed it

it was simple Almost to simple to think of but i did. I bought a filter sponge for a large acua filter i raised the skimmer up so the poor out was 2 inches higher then the surface of the water. I placed in right in the flow and is it worked out it wedges in there and stayed in place. The bubbles are defused and i can run it full titl with no more tiny bubbles clouding my water.


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2009
n.e. ohio
the meds are over activating your protien skimmer put some carbon in your filter and that wil pull the meds out of the water i dont recommend any meds in saltwater try garlic xtreme

thanks :)

the meds are over activating your protien skimmer put some carbon in your filter and that wil pull the meds out of the water i dont recommend any meds in saltwater try garlic xtreme
Thank you This is what i suspected My only dought was because my fish store guy who is actually very good and year of experience would not agree with that However when it happened at the same time i medicated it seemed obvious to me Thank you I will hope the carbon removes it in time and in the mean time the defuser sponge is working well.

Conferm this for me please

I have also noticed every time i feed my snowflake eel a frozen krill The skimmer seems to start filling up with a much more diluted sludge( more like tea) and fills up FAST My assumption is the oils from the krill cause this to happen BUT again my fish store guy accused me of sniffing clue when i commented on that Any opinions?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
Ive used Red slime remover in the past and had similar problems with my skimmer going crazy.... I did a few water changes and problem solved! BTW if your tank is 6' than its a 125g NOT 120 :p

TRe you have a serious need to prove people wrong I have done the measurements and this tank is 120 gallons You do not count the glass INSIDE THE Entire length is the tank So in fact the WATER inside is actually 5 foot and 11 inch Im not sure why you keep deliberately contradicting my statements here I feel there is something wrong. I'm not sure if you just angry Or you just have no idea how you are coming across You commented before on other threads i have started about RESEARCH well there is one thing that i research VERY INTENSELY and that is psychology here is what I immediately recognized in you TRe YOU NEED TO CONTRADICT AND PROVE OTHERS WRONG.
Why to prove anyone wrong? (Psychology behind "debunking" or something like that),
Debating over and on the Internet can be quite exhausting and time-consuming, so there has to lie some motivating factor why to do so.
The number ONE reason for this ( from the opinions of trained psychologist's ) is.... You feel your own understanding about the reality to be threatened. This means that you feel need to prove "out there" theories wrong, because they don't fit your view about the state of affairs and reality. Accepting "out there" theories such as my use of a RUGF.. would mean defeat and admission that you were wrong.
I have not said your wrong I have simply said there is other ways to do one thing and this way is ALSO not wrong.however " out there" it may seen or sound.
I think its important to understand your own insecurities and deal with them is ways that doesn't cause conflict' Because from a outside oint of veiw it makes that person look very very VERY silly in the end. and that only further worsens the physiological condition.
For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about Go take a look at my thread on successful use of a UGF in a salt tank.
I really hope this doesn't offend you TRe I'm trying to point out something that seems to be very wrong That way you have the chance to change or fix it I hope this helps.