To Seperate or Not


Medium Fish
Mar 13, 2006
Sligo, Ireland
I have a tank with six White Cloud Mountain Minnows in it. Four males and 2 females. One of the males is the more dominant one and is displaying in front of both females, going from one to the other*SUNSMILE* . Both females are reacting to him. Just wondering whether I should remove the rest of the minnows and just leave this male and one of the females or leave them to it. Any ideas would be a big help. I do have an empty tank that I can transfer fish into.



Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
You mean to breed them?

I imagine white clouds are like danios... they lay really tiny eggs, from which hatch really tiny fry. I've had luck by placing a female that was really ready to pop into a breeder net for a few days with a male, and removing them once there were eggs. The eggs are really, really tiny (I can't say that enough), and anything will eat them.

You could probably do the same thing by popping the female and a male into a seperate tank, and removing them once the female isn't fat anymore (it'll be hard to see eggs on the bottom in a whole tank, esp. if there's gravel or sand or anything on the bottom). You'd want to either have a sponge filter in there, or put panty hose around the intake of the filter, because the tiny little babies would get sucked up fairly easily.