to sump, or not to sump...that is the question


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
I am getting more serious about setting up a 55 as the days go buy. I can get a 55w/out fittings for a sump for $130, for $205 i can get it drilled for the sump witha bottom overflow. Obviously, there is added cost and hastle to having a sump, but of course it has its benefits too. Either way I have to buy a stand, so that is a moot point. I am really torn here. I recognize the benefits of the sump, but I also consider that a good HOB skimmer (i'm thinking AC Remora) and appropriate water movement via powerheads/wave maker (if I feel extra fancy) will do the job too, though with less water volume (which can be good living in a 2nd floor apartment)

I guess the other option is the 46g bow front with stand for $190. I have always liked the bow, but once again, there is the issue of water volume and the added height/decreased length of the bow which pretty well rule that out in my mind I think...who knows though...I am a fickle pickle

Just curious if anyone here had any thoughts on all that. A long winded answer is welcome, but a simple "I would do 'X' would be fine too"

I figure, might as well bounce my ideas off some people that i trust ya know



Large Fish
Dec 20, 2003
Bemidji, MN
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by all means, i would try to add a sump. i think it would be worth the extra few bucks to get the 55 gal drilled. i have a 55 gal and the stand i got at walmart fits good, there are 2 compartments below, a 10 gallon tank fits perfectly in each compartment, although not alot of headroom, but still, it was like it was made to have a 10 gal underneath, if you even just had a 10 gal sump that would leave 4 gal space for a return and 4 gal space for a refugium, and the leftover to makeup for extra water. or have a 10 gal on each side and plumb them together for a 10 gal return and a 10 gal refugium

im despirately in need of ways to increase water volume in my 10, ill be adding a HOB skimmer pretty soon and ill only be left with a little bit of space to run a HOB filter, just to have that extra .25 gallons or whatever it is, im that desperate, i would definitely add a sump if i were you


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
well...i got the one with the drilling in it...need to get that stand say you can fit two tens in it?? that would be excellent...if you dont mind, could you measure the inside dimensions of that stand for me because i am likely to be rearanging tanks significantly and opening up either a 20 or a ten. that would be so helpful cause i dont want to buy it and then realize "dag nab it, this ain't gonna fit after all"



Large Fish
Dec 20, 2003
Bemidji, MN
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Originally posted by 1979camaro
well...i got the one with the drilling in it...need to get that stand say you can fit two tens in it?? that would be excellent...if you dont mind, could you measure the inside dimensions of that stand for me because i am likely to be rearanging tanks significantly and opening up either a 20 or a ten. that would be so helpful cause i dont want to buy it and then realize "dag nab it, this ain't gonna fit after all"


if the tanks are getting plumbed, you could get 2 ten gallons and have the drilled in the exact same spotand just put a connecting pipe between them and have one for a sump and the other for a refugium, have the water flow into the refugium through a small corner box full of LR rubble, then out the box and into the refug. and through the drain pipe to the other tank and have the return pump located there, and have the heater and skimmer in the sump or in the refugium, wherever you wanted it

that would be sweet, thats what i would do if i was going to use my 55 for SW, but i only have 1 more year of school left untill im off to college, no point in doing all that work just to tear it down in a few months or risk having my parents take care of it.

i sent you the measurements for my stand, but i forgot to mention that the height that i put in your PM is just a front board, and the height inside the stand, from the bottom ofthe stand to the bottom of the tank is actually about 19 inches

i quickly drew this up in paint



Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
hey, thanks for the schematic...all put together now though...sorry if it wasted your time :)

ill have to decide whether to go with the single ten for a sump or try to joing them, which i agree would be sweet

on a setup like that, i suppose i would set up the refugium directly below the overflow and then hit the skimmer with a prefilter (aka some foam) on the side of the second liking the sound of it...luckily tens are cheap

now i need a skimmer that will fit in that spot...the turboflotor is too tall at 21" im afraid...i suppose i could remove the bottom shelf and set the sump on the ground...thats a thought

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
ok...i have succesfully modified the stand to accomadate up to 25" of clearance which I find to be, the big question, if the height of the skimmer is listed as "21 3/4" is that the clearance necessary to remove the cup for the skimate, or is that going to be taller?? so many much ignorance


Large Fish
Dec 20, 2003
Bemidji, MN
Visit site
you could drill a hole in the collection cup and run a line to a seperate container, like a pop bottle or soemthing, the skmmate would just flow down and into that, thats an idea, although it might get a little messy after a few months of use, then you would just have to clean it out


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
interesting...hadnt thought about that...sounds like a fairly good plan...just kind of like a drain on the side of the cup right? maybe i could put a little ball valve in there and only drain it when i want...good thoughts phantom