To the LFS with you!


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
well i took a bunch of fish to the lfs today. sadly it was not a profitable visit. took in about 15 brichardi which i got nothing for since they can't seem to be able to move them. and then took in 6 peacocks. 1 got fed to a paranhia since it was deformed. but the other 5 fetched me 20 bucks credit. and i used that to get 4 bolivian rams. it was a tough choice between the electric blue rams or the bolivians. if they had german rams it would have been no contest lol. but now i have room in other tanks to move things around when my labs and flametails get big enough to go into my 55 gallon.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
i called before hand and they said nothign for the brichardi so i knew that was the case with them but the tank was grossly overstocked. i had to get rid of them and would rather have them possibly go to a home then become fish food lol. alot of people don't like them but i find them to be realy pretty. but what scares most people away is they get agressive and when u start to get a school they almost become liek a wolf pack and can kill off the rest of the tank. as for the german rams my lfs don't get them in anymore. they used to have a private breeder who stopped doing the german rams and started doing the electric blue rams instead. and they have orvered german rams from ditributors but they never get any good strains. so they stopped doing that. I may check out my local club to see if anyone has any and maybe try to learn how to breed them for my lfs if they look good. but right now i got some flametail fry that i am going to try to focus on breeding and see how that goes. i'm kinda one of those people who go from one thing to another lol. started out with guppies then got into cichlids and then into swords and back into cichlids. but now i am trying different species :p