hey all, I've had my fishtank for about 2 years now, and the whole time i had green water, and some cases, the water was a green cloud. I eventually got the water to clear up so i can see the fish for once, but there is that green tinge to it. So just recently, i went to my hardware store, and bought som black lights, or Party lights as they called it. I replaced the normal Flourecent lights i have in there right now with the flourecent black lights. is that smart? its only a 10 gallon, and i have 2 live plants (one with green leaves, its about 2" tall, and a moss ball) and i have about 7 fish.
what are the effects going to be on the fish and the plants?
thanks in advanced
EDIT: It's a Freshwater tank. I was advised tp put in a table spoon of Aquarium Salt, which i think did something to the algae on the walls, cause its easier to scrub off now