Today's impulse buy


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Some of you may know that when I comes to fish, I'm rather prone to impulse buys. Today was no exception. I went out to pick up some pretty little dwarf rainbows as dithers for another tank, and decided to head into a store that I normally avoid (simply because it has been months since I've been there, and curiosity gets the better of me now and then). I'm glad I did! I went in hoping to find a creamsicle midas juvie, or maybe a pretty juvie texas to put in a 55gal tank that was empty. I was disappointed when I found neither, but only until I stopped at a tank housing some juvie GT's. I've always liked the look of GTs, but never really had the desire to buy one. However, when I peeked into this tank, there was an absolutely stunning little GT hanging out in a flowerpot. Looking out of curiosity (not planning to purchase it at this point), I noticed it was a female as I could clearly see its oviposter. After observing her for a minute, it was clear she was guarding the pot, and on further inspection, managed to spot a group of eggs on the side of the pot. Watching for a few more minutes, I determined who her mate was when she allowed him into the pot with her, and he chased off the other GTs that came near. He, as well, was easily one of the nicest GT juvies I have ever seen. Needless to say, I decided right then and there to buy the pair. The store employee even actually managed to catch the right male, and they're hanging out in their new home as we speak. I haven't managed to get any good pics yet, as they're obviously still spookish, but here's a couple quick shots. The female is about 2.75-3", and the male is slightly larger.

The female (male behind her):

The male (who is currently fending off his reflection like a good little monster):

Male again with the female in front:

I'm trying to decide what to name them!


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Lol certainly not. The employee kept telling me how good my eyes were. He didn't believe the eggs were there until he'd caught the female and pulled the pot out and there they were. I just know a protective mama when I see one ;)


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
NICE FIND! I would have snatched them up too! In fact, I'm still considering getting some, but now you have them, and avalon has one, so everyone is going to tell me to pick something else, like they did when I wanted sals, because Big Vine and a couple other members have them... *sigh* you guys steal all the good fish! LOL


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
LOL screw who else has them, if you like them, buy them. GT's are incredibly common, but these guys looked amazing, so now I have them too.

here's a few more not-so-great pics of the male showing his reflection who's boss.

And one more of the female.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
LOL oh I know, I'm just messing around because I have no idea what I want. I do want something different, but the GT's are just SO tempting! (and probably on sale right now at my LFS since they are liquidating... good thing we're poor! LOL)


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
Wow nice find Sinister!
You dont even know how freaking lucky you are to have a "spare" empty 55gal laying around for a nice pair of big fish...stop showing off! :p :p


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2007
They are incredible.just a spectacular pair.Lucky us to view beautiful pics to admire.the fluorescent markings on them show up so well in the photos!thanx S.K.*celebrate

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
This is awesome! I'm happy for you. *celebrate
GT's are on my list of 'must-haves' for when I actually have room for them down the road, so I'll be living vicariously through yours for a while...quite a while, actually. ;)

Good eye, Sinister...good eye...excellent find!

BV :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Katie217 said:
Wow nice find Sinister!
You dont even know how freaking lucky you are to have a "spare" empty 55gal laying around for a nice pair of big fish...stop showing off! :p :p
LOL you don't even want to go there. To sum it up: the 55gal had $160 worth of peacock and hap juvies that I'd had for only two weeks in it, but I sold them off EXTREMELY cheaply to make room for some barred midas that I thought were coming in, only to find out that it wasn't happening after all. Not impressed, but at least I get these guys out of it.

I am certainly aiming to breed them, GeraldTheMouse. They're too pretty not to ;)

Matt, I don't have any past experience with GT's, so I don't know how usual or unusual it is for the finnage on my boy - but as I said, they are easily the nicest pair I've ever seen in person, so I couldn't say no :)

Don't you worry, BV, I shall keep you well updated with photos with these two, trust me ;) I don't even want to think about the size of a tank they're going to need in about 6 to worry about that later ;)

Thanks, papyrus :) If you liked those, you'll love these...