Too many bubbles?


New Fish
Sep 18, 2005
Hi, I recently changed the rocks and the water in my ten gallon fish tank as well as a new filter for the water filter. I also ran hot water through the water filter. My problem is that there is a bunch of bubbles that are covering the top of the water. The water is clear and no fish have died (actually the fish are a lot more active). My question is should I be worried that there are too many bubbles? I don't want to hurt my fish. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Large Fish
Oct 15, 2004
Visit site
Bubbles create oxygen for your fish, and it makes their lives much easier because now they don't have to stay at the top all the time trying to engulf air. Hot water really kills all benefical bacteria, I would not recommend doing that ever again. I doubt the tank is cycled, if it really isn't. There are stickys in the forum that tell you how to go through the process of cycling. Best of luck to you.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
just for the record it isnt the bubbles which help the fish breath, its the surface aggitaiton that the bubbles create that allows more oxygen into the water and therefore help your fish breath.


Superstar Fish
Yah - running hot water through the filter and removing the old filter probably removed all of the beneficial bacteria keeping your fish healthy. Test the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate and keep your eyes on it. Do you have another tank you could borrow some filter media from?

Also, what kind of bubbles are we talking about? Like, frothy bubbles? Or is the surface of the water just more agitated? Have you switched to a new dechlorinator? Did you make sure you dosed it properly?