I have a 29 gallon planted tank that's been up and running for a year or so. I'm looking to move it into a schooling species tank: cories and zebra danios. Is 8 cories (4 panda and four albino) and seven danio's too much for this tank? I'm also including seven ghost shrimp and two large-ish snails.
You'd be fine with 7 or even a couple more danios, but I would stick with only 4 cories of one species, it might get a little too crowded on the bottom.
I suppose you could if you wanted to...but IMO it'd look a little crowded. They would be fine though. I would do 4-6 cories on the bottom, some sort of middle dweller, and the danios at the top (my danios usually stay to the top 1/3 of my 20H).
LIke MissFishy said, I think it'd be nice to do some middle dwellers too. Since Cories'll stay on the bottom and Danio on the very top, a tall tank like that would probably benefit visually from some middle fish
i have 12 cories in my 29 gallon, plus a pleco, plus 2 clown loaches, plus one african dwarf frog all residing on the bottom. You WILL be fine with 6 believe me, and my tank is partially planted