Too Many Fish


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I'd say you don't want to go for any more - you can do it, but your maintenance will increase exponentially as overcrowding goes up.
Why don't you think the bala won't get bigger - I don't believe in the 'fish only grow to the size of the tank myth'.

Jun 22, 2003
NS, Canada
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The pet store wasn't trying to make a sale, they're trying to keep your fish alive! Your Bala most certainly will get larger, even too large for a 20g IMO.

What kind of tetras are they? You'll probably be alright with 7 if they are smaller species like cardinals/neons. But larger tetras when full grown will be above the 1"/g rule with just 7.

May 19, 2003
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I agree you found a good LFS. I'd keep going there and respect their knowledge.

I only wish my LFS ws that smart. They told me my 10g community could support in upward of 25 fish or so. Sorry, but I don't want to run my aquariums like a pet shop with a million fish per gallon of water.

I'd say lose the Bala and you could probably run a school of 10 neon or cardinal tetra. Of course tank maintance is important.

I have a 10g. with 2 peppered cory, 2 dwarf gourami, and 4 zebra danios. i keep after the tank and it works fine, but I'm still not far over the 1" fish p/ gal rule. I'd listen to your LFS!!


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Wow, I am extremely impressed with your LFS. I would definately lose the bala as it will get way too big for a ten gal. - sorry :( But once you do that there is so much you CAN do with a ten gal. You can have livebearers, dwarf types of fish (rainbows, gouramis), cories. You could even expand on that school - good luck =)