Too many fish??

mr jigga

Small Fish
Jan 11, 2007
we got a 25g tank with 14 fish in there you guys think this is over crowded? all the fish are small. 5 zebra danio, 2 panda cory, 3 cherry barb, 2 ghost cat fish and 2 chino algage eaters? what do you guys think? From what i understand these fish stay relatively small comments suggestions THANKS ahead


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
You're over the line by about 3 fish - but you should be able to get away with it. The bottom of the tank is looking the most crowded.

Keep your filter clean - and don't skimp on the water changes when required.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
i think it depends on the type of fish you have in the tank
and yes all those stay relatively small and in my opinion the tank is fine
except for maybe the algae eaters, they can get about a foot long. i wouldnt recommened them.
just so you know, otos would probably be better for the smaller tank you have. :)


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Those CAE's will get aggressive towards your other fish as they mature. If you can, take them back. Then, later on, when your tank develops some brown algae, you could probably get a couple of otocinclus catfish.

Is this a new setup? If so, I strongly recommend reading the stickies at the top of the freshwater beginner forum. In order for your fish to survive, you have to gain an understanding of what happens when your tank cycles. It explains 'new tank syndrome', which is the main reason that new fishkeepers fail.


Small Fish
Dec 7, 2006
the old rule is a inch of fish per gallon not counting the tail...with that said if you balance them out as far as top water mid water and bottom feeders you can break the rule and not really have a problem just stay on top of the waterchanged and you will be fine...only thing i see wrong is you have a ton of bottom feeders they recomended me not to get more then 2 bottom feeders for a 29 G. but i have 2 plecos and 2 problems


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2007
Crandall, TX
IMO you are on the line of having too many. You can base your calculations on the size your fish will be at the point that you will give them up. Another words, if you have a LFS that will buy fish from you and if you are willing to part with them after you have had them a while, you can keep your CAEs until they are getting too big. Consistent water changes are also even more important when your tank is close to being stretched and live plants can help a little with the bioload. IMO.

Oct 15, 2006
I have quite a lot of fish in my 10 gallon hex.. I don't plan on adding any more though. They have survived quite nicely, except the two stubborn bloodfins that spat out every flake of food they ate, so they died of starvation.

mr jigga

Small Fish
Jan 11, 2007
iamcowboy said:
IMO you are on the line of having too many. You can base your calculations on the size your fish will be at the point that you will give them up. Another words, if you have a LFS that will buy fish from you and if you are willing to part with them after you have had them a while, you can keep your CAEs until they are getting too big. Consistent water changes are also even more important when your tank is close to being stretched and live plants can help a little with the bioload. IMO.

I have 3 small plants in there as well.along with a sunken ship its ok right? basically those ghost cat fish stay in the ship and all the other guys swim around when the lights go out the ghost catfish come out and start nipping at the danios a cherry barbs is this cuz they feel crwoded?

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
Get live plants in the tank and it will eat some of the bad stuff for fish... meaning, you can stock more fish with live plants as the plant will digest and breakdown some of the bio load, allowing more fish, not hundreds more but will aid the filter in the filtering of water and such.

mr jigga

Small Fish
Jan 11, 2007
Grumpy_Marine said:
Get live plants in the tank and it will eat some of the bad stuff for fish... meaning, you can stock more fish with live plants as the plant will digest and breakdown some of the bio load, allowing more fish, not hundreds more but will aid the filter in the filtering of water and such.
Yea they are 3 small live plants in there. i heard a lot of good things about getting live plants so i went that route instead of the fake ones after all said about live plants i dunno why ppl get fake ones for

mr jigga

Small Fish
Jan 11, 2007
sorry guys one more question any comments on those dwarf puffer fish they sell at pet co.. I was thinking of taking some fish back and exchange them for 2 what do you guys think? it listed these fish as community fish but the sales guy said they are really agressive so i passed but they look too kool*SUNSMILE*


Small Fish
Dec 7, 2006
yea im pretty sure all puffers are aggresive...check the aggresive section theres a video of a puffer eating another fish...i wanted a puffer to for my comunity till i went to the lps and saw small swimming in there lol.