Too many fish?


New Fish
Sep 7, 2010
Bristol, UK
I have a 10.5 gallon tank which I have 6 neon tetra's, 5 white cloud mountain minnows and a pair of Dwarf Gouramis in. All my levels are at Fine(Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate) but as you can see this means I have 13 fish(unlucky for some!!) can I put any more fish in or is the tank as full as it should get?? If I can put a couple more in what would you suggest?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Yes, you have WAY too many fish in your tank. White cloud mountain minnows are temperate/coldwater fish and have WAY different temperature requirements than your neons or your gouramis (I keep my WCMMs in a tank around 65F and they are happy as clams). Also, your "pair" of gouramis...are they a m/f pair or two males? Females are extremely difficult to find in aquaria, which is why I ask. Regardless, having two dwarf gouramis in such a confined space is a recipe for disaster. They need to have room to get away from each other as they are territorial fish (they are related to bettas and as such as inherently territorial) and there just isn't room in a 10.5gal tank. I know someone who tried to keep their sibling male and female dwarf gourami in a 29gal tank and it failed epically. Personally, I think neons are too active for a 10gal tank, as are the WCMMs.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
i suggest putting none in. it sounds a bit too much. but you could make the situation better by using live plants lol, all that waste can provide live plants with food and it will make your fish feel safer and more comfortable.