too many watts?


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2007
Crandall, TX
I just installed a 130w light fixture that I won on ebay for my 30gal tank. I have many observations and only 2 are good.

1 Tank is very bright
2 My water is very clear

1 My plants look pathetic maybe dim light is better (like at a night club)
2 My glass top will not nest into the top of the tank because of the way the legs for the light clamp on
3 My fish seem stressed. Some are hiding in the plants. Some are darting back and forth along the back of the aquarium. When I fed them about an hour after the new light went on, only the cory and the shrimp ate anything.

Obviously, the last one causes the most concern. Maybe the fish will get used to the light. In a couple of days I will get some floating plants to break up the light a little. I am sure that in the long run my plants will benefit from the light. The guy that I won the light from says that I can just remove the legs and the splash sheild and set it directly on my glass top. Any suggestions would be helpful. It is a 30" 130w compact floucent fixture with 2 led moon lights. It has 2 65w 6700k bulbs. Are there lower wattage bulbs availible that will work in this fixture?

Oct 15, 2006
They are probably not used to the light. When I first set up my DIY light for my 10 gallon hex, all the fish hid, except for a few brave ones.

130W is alot for a 30 gallon tank. That is 4 and 1/3 watts per gallon.


Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
The Tank will look very diiferent with more light. The plants will Grow a lot better with the light upgrade. The Fish will get use to the light. If possible slowly adjust the fish to the light. I dont know if you light has more then one switch but if it dose then use only one for a week or so then add the 2nd light. You can also try removing one of the bulbs, Depending on how it is wired it may or may not work. If the glass top isnt tempered the you should be able to have the area that conflicts with the light legs removed. I think you can get a 55W bulb for your type fixture.



Large Fish
Jan 14, 2007
Crandall, TX
Just an update...My fish did get adjusted to the increase in light. The only real change other than a much brighter tank is I don't see the bumblebee cat as much anymore. Suspect he has become a night feeder. Also found a way to get the new light clamped on with my glass cover in place. Soon will start injecting DIY co2 and hopefully existing plants will start looking better. I am looking forward to shopping through a much larger selection of plants now.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Sweet! Glad it's working out so far.

I'm doing something similar (not quite as high lighting...120 Watts over 38 gallons for a total of 3.16 WPG). I've done part of the upgrade, and my plants look crappy too---just cuz' I can see em' in so much more detail! But like the others have said, the plants will benefit greatly from the added light (or so I hope), so don't feel bad that they look a little ragged at the moment. LOL

iamcowboy said:
Soon will start injecting DIY co2 and hopefully existing plants will start looking better. I am looking forward to shopping through a much larger selection of plants now.
Hell yeah!!! (me too ;) ).

Some *coughmahacough* have advised that 3+ WPG may be likely to invite algae problems...let's hope that's not the case...:eek:

Congrats on the new lighting upgrade!
Big Vine


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2007
Crandall, TX
Guess what......algae loves my tank. Unfortunately the feeling is not mutual. Spoke with the owner of my favorite area LFS whom has never steered me wrong in 5 years, he feels that 130w on a 29g is just too much. At his recommendation, I unplugged one of the bulbs. I now have 65w on my 29g. I began injecting diy co2 one week ago. I have two bottles going now to lower the ph some more at the recommendation of another respected aquatic plant mind. Both of the afformentioned people have said that ferts are not something I need to look at as of now.


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2007
Crandall, TX
I guess. It is just funny to me that prior to my lighting upgrade, every opinion I could find 3wpg and up is the way to go man even 4wpg and you can have any plants that you want. Now it seems that all the opinions I can find are like what were you thinking man.....chuck that $120 light in the trash.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I don't think there is such a thing as too many watts(as long as it's not a fire hazard). IF you can keep up with the added demand of the plants. More light = more needs from your plants. And if you can't provide them with what they need, then yes you are asking algae to visit. :)


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2007
Crandall, TX
I guess I will change my login name to thouroughlyconfused. I really appreciate everyone's help but so many conflicting opinions. I know it is like I tell customers in my business there is more than one way to skin a cat (sorry cat lovers). And I know that some of these people could be more help if my tank was in their house so that they could observe it's progress or lack of on a daily basis. I guess the frustrating part is that I had a single strip flourecent light (what like 20w) with no CO2 and my limited selection of plants grew fantastic with very little algae. But I always lusted for more light so that I could go after a more desirable selection of plants. Now I have the light, I'm injecting CO2, and not only are my established plants faultering but the ones that I have bought that I yearned for (the higher lighting demand ones) are just almost disolving before my eyes.


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2007
Crandall, TX
Just an update. My fight against Darth Algae continues. Currently still have one bulb removed from the light fixture. Still dosing 2 bottles of CO2. Restricting fish feedings to bare minimum. Not using ferts at all. Buying more plants (have a shipment I won on ebay coming a ricci ball which apparently is ricci with assorted plants growing in it that can be detached and planted seperately. Has anyone heard of this?) Algae grow has slowed. Planning to cut light duration to 8hrs between now and when the new plants get here then maybe take it back up to 10. Have observed zero pearling since downgrading the lighting. Once algae is in check I really want to put the other bulb back in. Any suggestions?


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2005
I've been down that road too. I'll share what I have learned (and am still learning).

First, light drives everything. More light is great. It lets you choose a greater variety of plants and gives a lot more options. But with increased light, the plants demand more of everything else that aids in growth. CO2, macros, micros. If any one of them is not up to par, plant growth stalls and algae flourishes.

If I were in your shoes (and I have been), first I would look into pressurized CO2. Next, make sure your ferts are in line. What are you dosing and how much/how often?

Look into some Flourish Excel as well. In addition to helping with CO2 demand, it has some great algaecidal properties.

Finally, remember one name AVALON. He's got it goin on where the plant stuff is concerned.


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2007
Crandall, TX
Yeah I'm with ya on the Avalon thing. Have read his stickies and I even chatted with him one night. Some of the measures that I am taking are at his suggestion. Just can seem to get the PH down as low as he wants me to get it. The getting more plants thing was also his suggestion but selection seems to be thin around here right now (that's why I went to ebay). Pressurized CO2 is not currently feesible for me. Soon we will be moving and I hope to get a larger tank then I also hope to go with pressurized CO2.


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2007
Crandall, TX
Update: The plants I bought on ebay arrived in terrible shape. The so called "ricci ball" was decomposing plant matter. The only thing identifiable was a water sprite which was on the edge of death and probably won't recuperate. I have increased lighting duration from 8hrs to 9 and started back dosing ferts on a restricted basis anyway. Algae infestation has slowed somewhat.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
It takes a while to get the dosing right on a high light tank. Things happen much faster, both good and bad. Keep up with the dosing schedule, and try to get your CO2 system working as efficiently as possible. It could be that your diffusion isn't efficient enough.

Don't give up, and you'll soon find the tank's new balance :)


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2007
Crandall, TX
Well my neighbor considers weeds to be grass and if it wasn't for his weeds he would have nothing green in his yard. I am considering this approach with algae.....LOL. But seriously the algae is still hanging in there not really flourishing but won't go away. I bought 2 "algae eating sharks" Crossocheilus Siamensis.They are supposed to have a greater appetite for "hair" and "bush or brush" algaes than flying foxes. My favorite LFS uses them in their HUGE planted show tank. It has occured to me that I have not listed the plants in the tank so I will do so below:

Lots of Java Fern
4 bronze colored Lutea (that all came from one mother plant)
Java Moss that my LFS "threw in" with a peice of drifwood that I bought
1 Amazon Sword
1 Crypt Respiralis (i think i got that name right)
1 star plant (i think) it's a bushy looking plant that is growing very well
5 stalks of Anacharis
1 Anubias i think it is "nana" the store that i got it from doesn't label the plants
3 small pieces of Water Sprite that are sort of hanging on from that really bad aformentioned shippment
3 small water lettuce from the same shippment

Above the line is what I had prior to the lighting upgrade and algae problem below is what has been added since.

Also I have started dosing Flourish Excel.

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