Too much filtration?

I just wanted to know if there was such a thing as too much filtration? I have a 55 gallon tank with 2 oscars, 4 cichlids, and a pleco. Also I have 4 live plants. I was using a penguin 330 with the dual biowheels and a friend gave me another penguin 330. Its now filtering 660 gph. Could this be harmful? In addition, I still have the fluval 2 internal filter moving water below the surface at a rate of 60gph. I was just a lil unsure of what to do now. I just added the 3rd filter about an hour ago and will take a look at the water conditions tomorrow morning. Any thoughts?



Well as of now... the water is super clear. I have temp shut off the fuval internal filter and just let the two penguin 330's do the work. Besides, I heard that the fluval 2 is a great water polisher...At any rate.. the fish dont look to be stressed with the water movement in the tank.

Mar 23, 2003
I think you were a bit vague in yor description of your fish, most notably in the area of size. 2 oscars that are 3 inches in length and 4 Rams would certainly not be too many fish for that tank at this time. 2 8 inch oscars, a 9 inch Buttikoferi, an 8 inch blue acara and a 9 inch green terror all packed in with a 12 inch pleco...that would be too many.

Folks noted the answer to your question. One way to reduce water movement in the tank, if anyone should feel that this is a problem, would be to build lots of structure and tall plants. Course, with a tank like yours, that's probably not a good idea as space may, or may not and will soon be, at a premium.

Media Baskets for Penguin 330

Is anyone familiar with the baskets inside the penguin 330? Does anyone use them? I know one could problably fill these baskets with a number of different mediums, just wanted to know if anyone used them and if so, what products they used and how well they worked.