Took a Nap


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
:mad: Woke up to my wife hollering at me that something was wrong with the tank. The timer to my dosing pumps had messed up during a bad storm we were having and it dosed a half a gal. of the two part into the tank, or at least that is what I thought, found out later I had it programed wrong, and the tank looked like a gal. of milk. It took me two days to get the tank back right with three large water changes, the good thing is that my nitrates are now down to about 5, the corals seem no worse for the experience but I did lose one fish, a wrasse. My calcium is now down to about 390 and my AKL is a tad high and I havn't turned the dosing pumps back on yet as I havn't quite figured out that %$#@&*^&$ timer yet. I did get another 17 polyp frag of Tubbs Blue to replace the 5 polyp frag that had come unglued from the frag plug and now is lost in the tank some where. This frag is an older frag and it shouldn't be coming unglued. I also got a three polyp frag of N. Green polyps and they are in a friends tank that has better luck with her propagation. I also got a nice looking toad stool, the kind that grows a really big frilly top. Between the new skimmer, GFO and Carbon reactor the tank is looking pretty good at this time. I am off today and I am going to try and move some of my zoa frags down towards the bottom of the tank to see if I can get them to start putting out a few babies. JMO here :rolleyes: I think the MH lights are a bit to much for them where they are at. All of the frags look great, they just aren't putting out any babies. If ya'll have any thoughts on this I would like to hear them.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
wow when I first started reading I was expecting a major disaster but it sounds like it didnt turn out so bad! glad to hear it wasnt a total loss.... If you mantain you cal/alk levels and keep the nitrates/phosphates down youll see everything start to multiply like crazy! You just have to be consistant